प्रश्न पहिल्यै आउट हुने परीक्षा

रामेश्वर घिमिरे
सोमबार भएको व्यवस्थापक संकाय एमबीएस प्रथम वर्षको corporate financial management विषयको परीक्षा विवादमा परेको छ। पाठ्यक्रममा भन्दा फरक र कठीन प्रश्न सोधेको भन्दै सोमबार विभिन्न परीक्षा केन्द्रमा विद्यार्थीहरुले उत्तरपुस्तिका च्यातेका थिए। यही विवादमा मिनभवन केन्द्रमा त परिक्षार्थी विद्यार्थीहरुमाथि हातपात समेत भयो। चार जना विद्यार्थी त घाइते नै भए।

अझ विवाद त्यतिबेला भयो, जब थाहा भयो कि सो परीक्षाको प्रश्नपत्र त परिक्षा अगाडि नै बाहिरिएको रहेछ। राजधानीको एउटा नाम चलेको निजी कलेजले आफ्ना विद्यार्थीहरुलाई नमूना प्रश्नको रुपमा बाँडेको प्रश्न सोमबार सोधिएको प्रश्नपत्रसित हुबहु मिलेको छ।

टीयुको finance को परीक्षा समितिका एक सदस्यसमेत रहेका ती शिक्षकले सरकारी कलेजलाई बदनाम गर्ने र आफ्नो कलेजलाई बोर्डमा ल्याउने कुनियतका साथ कोर्स सामाग्रीभन्दा बाहिरको प्रश्न बनाएको देखिन्छ। मलाई प्राप्त सो प्रश्नपत्र हेर्दा पनि नमूना प्रश्न पनि बाँडिएको प्रश्नपत्रसँग हुबहु मिलेको छ। प्रश्नमा सोधिएको कम्पनीको नाम र रकमसमेत फरक छैन । झन्डै २0 वटा जति प्रश्न दिएको र तीमध्ये पनि महत्वपूर्ण भनेर चिन्ह लगाएको प्रश्न नै १२ गते को परीक्षामा सोधिएको थियो। देखाउन नमूनाको रुपमा बाँडे पनि नियोजित रुपमा प्रश्न आउट गरिएको आरोप विद्यार्थीहरुले लगाएका छन्।

टीयु प्रशासनले यो विषयलाई चासोको साथ हेरेको छैन। यो समस्याको सवाल मा वार्ता गर्न गएका विद्यार्थीहरुलाई ग्रेसमार्क दिने भन्दै झुलाउने कोशिस गरिएको थियो। पछि भने प्रहरीले बल प्रयोग गरेर हटाएको थियो।

यसैबीच हिजोको स्ववियु सभापतिहरुको बैठकले यो विषयको टुङ्गो नलागेसम्म टीयुको कुनै पनि परीक्षा सन्चालन हुन नदिने निर्णय गरेको छ। यस अनुसार आज हुने भनिएको स्नातक र स्नातकोत्तर तहका विभिन्न विषयको परीक्षा हुन सकेन।


  1. I had topped the college in Bachelor Level (BBS). And now i will be failed in Corporate Financial Management just because of that shit kind of question. Whoever has prepared that question is truly an asshole. I mean it.
    However i am happy that the union is doing everything it can to cancel that exam. But this should not delay the exam of other subject. As the MBS 1st year has already been delayed.

  2. It is disconcerting to read the news of question paper leaks from time to time. In this case, the manner in which TU examination system is executed is under suspicion. The way the examination handling operation is working has to be thoroughly analyzed, right from the selection of members of the question paper setting team to final stage of despatching question papers to the examination centers, with emphasis on eliminating, if not minimizing, security lapse like question paper leaks. Of course, there will always be some cunning individual who will go to great lengths to leak question paper for various reasons; monetary benefit to ‘improving’ the standard of institution where he/she is working.

    One of the ways in which a question paper leaks is due to the manner in which questions are set for the examination. Usually, a teacher/lecturer is requested to submit sample question paper based on the format provided. The format is based on the syllabus and accordingly the teacher must design questions based on it. Up to this point, it is OK. Now comes the mind-boggling part. The board or group designated to finalize the question paper does not always create question paper out of many samples submitted. By the word ‘create’ I mean to include one or two questions from one sample question paper and include another one or two from another sample question paper and so on. Of course, the group must first select some sample question papers out of many submitted for including questions in the finalized question paper. Instead of creating question paper, the group simply picks up one sample question paper. A little bit of editing work might be thrown in – adding/removing corollary questions before the final version is obtained. If the teacher/lecturer had discussed the sample question paper with his/her students in class then the combination of question paper selection and sample paper discussion clearly becomes a case of question paper leak. What might happen afterwards, anyone can surmise. The teacher/lecturer who had submitted the fateful sample question paper might easily be drawn into the vortex of accusations, and be put under scanner. He/She might be suspended and even penalized for reasons beyond his/her control.

    Regarding questions included from chapters outside of the syllabus, one possible reason is that the university selects a particular teacher/lecturer and requests him/her to submit sample question paper of a subject he/she is not teaching at that time. This increases the chances of inadvertently including questions from topics outside the prescribed syllabus for the simple reason that the person assigned for such task is unaware of the syllabus in detail.

    I used to work as a part-time lecturer in a college not affiliated to TU. A few years back, I was terribly shocked to find that the sample question paper I had submitted for a subject in Bachelor level was chosen with very little modifications. Had I discussed some of the questions with my students, things would have turned out terribly wrong for me and probably for the college – a worst case scenario envisaged here. My students used to constantly nag me to divulge the contents of the sample question paper submitted, which is natural. Fortunately, I had developed a habit of discussing analogous questions with my students and would always prod them to think along similar lines. Also, I would type the sample questions in my laptop at home so that nobody would get a peep into it. All these acts of discretion helped me to stay clear of unnecessary hassles even though I had submitted such sample question papers half a dozen times. Touch wood!

  3. 2 years pachi first year ko exam huncha tyo pani yesto cha chal…….student haru ko future mathi yesko khelbad garni ho bhani yesta university ko importance nai k nai huncha ra……..aru kunai field lai ramro banauna nasake pani education jasto field lai ta ramro banauna saknu paryo ni…..tu ko top rank ma bhayeka peronal haru sabailai nikalrera naya committe banaunu parcha tara tini haru pani tehi dyang ka mula ta hune hola ni….j gare pani sukha chaina……law n order alik strict banaunu parcha jasto lagcha malai

  4. यो काम हेलमेट प्राध्यापकहरु बाट भएको हुनु पर्छ / बिहारी राज्य को सुरुवात भो, सीक्छाको खेलबाड़ गर्ने दोषी लाई सर्बस्वा सहित आजीवन कारोबार घोसणा हुनु पर्छ /

  5. टी यु जस्तो गरिमामय युनिभर्सिटीले परिक्षा अगाडि प्रस्न पत्र जाच गर्न नसक्नु लाजमर्दो कुरा हो, यसले युनिभर्सिटीले कमजोर परिक्षा सम्यन्त्र माथि प्रस्न चिन्ह खडा गरेको छ, मास्टर लेभल मा पनि यस्तो हेलचेक्रयाइले बिधार्थिहरु को भबिस्य कता लाने हो, यो पक्कै भ्रस्ट हरुको खेल हो। प्राइभेट युनिभर्सिटी मा जागिर खाएर टी यु मा पार्ट टाईम गर्ने सैक्षिक माफिया हरुको पनि यस्मा हात छ र छिटै अनुसन्धान गरि दोशिहरु उपर कारबाही गरिनु पर्दछ ।

  6. hi evrybody i am so much excited hearing this news considering questions outing of MBS in TU.heee guys this is not any new and surprising event occured in the history of TU.questions outing is the tradition of TU every year.in our time probely in 2007,same things had happened.proffessor of finance of shankerdev campus and tribhuvan univrsity campus are responsible in this matter.big protest is needed to prevent such happening in the days to come.responsible persons must be punished and prosecuted….itterrible………janak from LONDON COLLEGE OF ACCOUNTANCY

  7. private युनिभर्सिटी मा जागिर खाएर T U मा part टाईम गर्ने सैक्षिक माफिया हरुको समुल अन्त्य नगरेसम्म स्टुडेन्ट को यो पिडा सधैं रहने छ ……….

  8. के चै नराम्रो भा छ र नि ठिकै त भो विद्यार्थी लै नै त फाइदा भा ६ नि त है न र फेरी सबै ले पाएको भए राम्रो हुने र कसैले नपाए नरम रो हुने हो र ?

  9. This is not new to me too though I was once a student of TU’s MBA course. There are no efficient teachers with TU who can design questions. They used to take every questions from Van Horn or/and Western and Bringham’s book with change of name of co.

    Please mention the name of the college and teacher who is said to be a member of the TU board. You should highlight those people so we can remember them.

  10. यो त आम रूपमा भै आई रहेकै कुरो त हो नि । नेपाल मै First batch को रुपमा BBS को एकॉउंट जाच दिदा मैले पनि यो भोगेको थिए ।

    अर्को कुरा कम्तिमा अंग्रेजी बोलिने देशमा बसेका साथीहरु की त प्रस्ट English मा या त नेपाली मै कमेन्ट लेख्ने गरि दिनु भए कम्तिमा आफु बसेको ठाउको इज्जत रहन्थ्यो ।
    यो English रोमन पढ़न सारै झर्को लाग्न थाली सक्यो हौ ।

  11. tayhi bayara aaba nepal ma last ma exam diyra pass fail hunay pratha hatauna parchha …… regular attendance and assignment ko adhar ma pass garna parchha so no tension no lafada

  12. यस्तै गर्ने र गर्न दीइ रहने हो भने २/४ जनाको स्वार्थले कति विद्यार्थीको मनोवलमा अाच अाउछ । यसरी परीक्षा अघिनै प्रश्नपत्र बाहिर ल्यउनेलाइ हदै सम्मको कारबाहि गरिनु पर्छ र पुनः यस्तो कार्य दोहोरीन नदिन अझ बलियो नियम बनाउनु पर्छ ।

    एस.एल.सी देखि एम.वि.एस सम्म यस्तै भइ रहेको छ ।

    ए भ्रष्टहरूहो अाफ्नो क्षणिक स्वार्थ पुरा गर्न भावि पुष्ताको लागि नेपली भन्न पनि लाजमर्दो किन पार्छो ?

  13. I agree with Laxmi….same thing happens with the BIM/BBA course of TU (Faculty of Management)……..I’ve completed one of that degree and every time we get questions from the internal exams of one of the private college who offers that course.

  14. parasnapatra out huhu ma t.u ko administration mul doshi hunu par6.naya nepal ma pani ta purano chhala chhutna sake ko 6in.yamale ka neta upakulpati madhav sarma lai yo bisaya ma teti jankari hudain kina ki uni ta uml ka tena na pare;karmachhari hu vanne bhawana vako vaya kamti ma pani jimewari bodha hunu parthyo ni hoina ra sathi ho?chhodnus yo kura ta hamro parampara jastai nai vo ni.congra to thos gys who hot question before exam.new nepal ka nearly 50 mantri ka pardhanmanti lai chhetana vayya?

  15. k new kura vo ra? nepal ma jahile pani question out hune ta parampara nai vaiskyo.yas bisayam sambandhita wala ko chhaso kahile pani pugdaina kina ki tiniharu pani ta mile ka chora huna ni,hoina ra? k naya nepal ka nearly 50 mantrigan ko dhayan jala.

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