राजाको कुर्सी पनि हट्यो संसदबाट

श्रीपेच र राजदण्ड त जनआन्दोलनको बलमा पुनर्स्थापित संसदको पहिलो बैठकमा नै हटाइएको थियो। एउटै प्रतिक बाँकी थियो राजाको, उनको कुर्सी। त्यो पनि बुधबार सांसदहरुको शपथ ग्रहण कार्यक्रमका दिन हटाइए पछि अब संसदमा राजाको कुनै अस्तित्व बाँकी रहेन। राजाको कुर्सी अर्थात् तथाकथित सिंहासनका ठाउँमा राष्ट्रिय झण्डा राखिएको थियो। भित्र अरु पनि फोटो। सबै फोटोः सागर श्रेष्ठ

सबैभन्दा पहिला सभामुख सुभाष नेम्वाङले सांसदको हैसियतमा र त्यसपछि सभामुखको हैसियतमा शपथ खानुभएको थियो। त्यसपछि उहाँले सबै सांसदलाई सामूहिक शपथ ग्रहण गराउनु भएको थियो। सभामुख र उपसभामुखको कुर्सी पनि सांसदहरुसँगै राखिएको थियो।

शपथ ग्रहण कार्यक्रममा एमाले महासचिव माधवकुमार नेपाल।

हल्ला नगर्नुस् सांसदज्यु, शपथ खानुस्।

सभामुख सबै सांसदलाई सामूहिक शपथ ग्रहण गराउँदै।

शपथ ग्रहण नगर्दा पद नै खुस्कने भएका कारण राजाद्वारा मनोनीत राष्ट्रिय सभाका सांसदहरु तथा शाही सरकारका मन्त्रीहरु पनि शपथ खान आएका थिए। माथि हेर्नुस् न दुई मण्डले मन्त्रीहरु देखिन्छन्।

शपथको व्यहोरा यस्तो थियो।
प्रधानमन्त्रीको स्वास्थ्यका कारण मन्त्रीहरुको शपथ ग्रहण भने पछि सरेको छ।


  1. I’d say that both paras, and gyanendra get out of power, and in place put paras’s son in the throne so he could grow up under the symbolic figure only role. Then people will only like the king that way, if he did what the people say. The Shah’s still haven’t figured it out that it takes the support of the people to stay in government and power. If they’d get this thought through their head, maybe something good will happen to them in the future. Throughout all history monarchies who gave up full power to the people remain, like Britain, Spain, Netherlands, Japan, Thailand, Cambodia etc… There are still places, with absolute monarchy reign like Saudi Arabia, but guess what they made the people happy and got their support. If they didn’t they wouldn’t be a in power now would they? What more could could monarchies need now a days, they just need to look cool and sit on their golden throne. I don’t support the Shah’s, but not all their fault. Its Nepali society all together, only the rich and powerfull get what they want the rest just have to deal with it. So what if the king’s gone, its uniquely a Nepali style that the poor and the needy never get a voice. I mean in Nepal a janitor, and a doctor will never sit together in the same room to chat, but in where i live it doesn’t matter. No matter what your background, or status you don’t have to say sahib sahib to everyone above, or saying anything bad to the lower people. Thats the one reason why Nepal is messed up, we need to behave and clean up our culture.

  2. I think we Nepalese people like us should stop spending our time only on political matters. Andolan is over and now Nepal is heading towards everlasting democracy. Now, the primary agenda of the nation should be ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT of the country rather than just moving around politics. Enough is enough now. The country should now be pulled up from ‘Least Developed Nation’ to ‘Middle Developed Nation’ and then to ‘Developed Nation’ in a rapid speed. We all Nepalese should try to contribute in someway for the development of our country. This means, we should try to create an environment such that many of our nationals can return back to Nepal and take active part in nation building. We can not expect others to come and build our nation. We, Nepalese, should build our nation. For that, we should try to create a situation and presurrise the political leaders to create an environment to call the Nepalese who are living in foreign countries to back to Nepal to take active part in nation building.


  3. Kiran
    You have the right curiousity! Thats where you begin your ligical arguement.
    Yes question is how? Before any answer given there is a perception of it. you have the right perception like
    strong judicial system, rule of law,civil socities and you also said evolution. Most of us know only the external evolution as a reaction of the matter against heat.
    When you think about the general happiness, there is a enough room in this earth to change the world by non-violence. Maoist did the wrong decision of taking the gun taught by wrost system of the world.
    When you have the gun, what you expect?
    We have to stress on the real capacity of the leader? The leader capacity is not measured in the bang of gun. Please start making the harse crticism against all our leaders. Our political movement is not based on the evolution but based on opportunity and fear.
    See you at my next!
    at last, the king is protected by two objects:
    Any body can destroy the visible aspect of king but when the word ERADICATION comes the invisible aspect of the king needs to be destroyed to free the nation.
    The process of eradication has just been discussed because no body is afraid of being arrested or killed by monarchial government.
    So there is no reason to be happy just by removing the touchable objects of the king.

  4. ‘संसद्ममा ईश्वरको नाममा शपथ’

    यो आजको कान्तिपुरमा रहेको एउटा समाचारको हेडलाइन हो । र ताजुव मान्नुपर्ने कुरा के हो भने धर्म निरपेक्ष राष्ट्रमा के को ईश्वरको नाममा सफत । के धरहरा अथवा सगरमाथाको नाममा लिन सकिदैन थियो ? सगरमाथा भन्दा पनि धरहरावाट सफत लिएको भए कमसेकम सफत लिनेसवैलाइ यसले चाविसै घण्टा ठिङ्ग उभेर सावधान त गरिरहेको भान दिन्थ्यो । ख्वै वुध्दि पुगेको ?

  5. Thanks to our respected leaders.
    Request to remove Idol Ghost too from Sinhadarbar.
    Let’s make a museum for that chair.
    Let’s declear the king is remained at Nepalese Museum.

  6. just only king’s chair what ‘s shame! he was supposed to throw in bin himself not only chair. stupid king i have ever heard in the world.

  7. What do you mean by KING??? It’s already gone out in NEPAL when he killed the people… So there is no king i nepal and let’s not talk about him.. coz he is not even to be as nepali sitizen… SO about the deduction of 90%….. instead of that he andhis family members must pushed out from nepal… King is kingdom is finished now….

  8. Ashok Karki,

    I do agree your views expressed in your comments. But how do we get the perfect system ?

    We have to get rid of three devils.

    1. Monarchy
    2. Maoists
    3. Corrupt Political Parties/politicians.

    We can achieve our goal of finishing all these devils. We have to be more conscious. We have to make civil societies, human right organisations and media journalists more powerful so that no politician can misuse his/her position. Law should be uniform and we have to make all law abiding citizens. Law and Order should be maintained at the highest sprit in the country. Any way this is evolving events.

  9. umesh ji,
    malai ta yo samsad bhanauda haru le sapat grahan lida lagaueko rangi birangi pasak chahi man parena.afno nepali dress lagaunu parcha ni?herda pani neta gasto nai dekhiyena.sabhamukh jue lai chahi check dekhiyeko cha.

  10. what is that …. that papare still shows RAJKIYE SATTA…. am i blind or still there RAJKIYE SATTA even after the withdrawal of KING’S ASAN.

    man sing

  11. Dear Intelectual Nepali Brothers and sisters!!!
    Nepal is devided into 3 groups namely:
    The major weakness of rightist party is incompetence interms of educating people about the 21th century ideals of democracy and market economy. They could not go beyond the BP thought nor put them into the political action and practice.
    The major weakness of leftist party is anti-regression,creating the blind atmosphere among the party workers and spreading tricky proppganda to get support from the poor and uneducated mass of people. They can not think beyond MARX,LENNIN,STALIN,MAO in nepal where those power(taking over) philosophy is not really compatible to the geographical and economical situation of nepal. Inorder to hide their weakness and mistake, they never hasitate to attach the democracy,compitition,freedom and leberal economy to their double mouth.
    The major weakness of traditionalist group is an attachment to their inheritated luxury interms of cast status, HAIKAMBAD, religion, beurocracy and nepotism. They will never give up that way of luxury to suck the nation.
    Now inorder to discipline these 3 gansters, we need to creat the legal system that will not favor one or another but restrict them all making them obey the people’s order. Those orders are:
    New constitution
    Public sefty
    Freedom of expression
    Liberty and equality.
    Why leftist are becoming powerful in nepal?
    Empty word,propoganda,intimidiation,killing etc
    Do not trust prachanda and Baburam? They are not suitable for the democracy and freedom. They are not real leader of Nepalese soil but they are imported,they follow the legacy of murder and killing of the dirty world.
    Please think independent and release yourself out of this terrible trick and trap of leftist party of Nepal.
    thank you

  12. उमेशजी, नेताहरुले के नाटक गर्न खोजेका हुन बुझ्न सकिएन ।

  13. हुँदैन बिहान मिर्मिर्मा तारा झरेर नगए बन्दैन देश दुई चार सपुत मरेर नगए, देश बनाउनु छ भने मर्नलाई डराउनु हुदैन हिम्मत साथ काम गर्नु पर्छ । पार्टि गत् र बक्तिगत् स्वार्थ को लगि हैन देशको लगि, हेरौ सामसदहरुको हिम्मत् र जनता प्रतिको प्रतिबद्दता ।

  14. घाउ निचोरेर मात्र त पिलो पो झर्छ त खाटै त वस्दैन नी ! यसको लागी त उचित औषधी गर्नु पर्ला हैन र ?

  15. Comment from Nepali keto is very appreciative and I think all the politicians should read that comment carefully and should not make any mistakes like they did earlier and are still doing. They have started fighting for power and chair. They have not included the Maoist in the government. They want to take more and more within themselves. So, it still like they won’t do any good for the nation. I think, the power should be handed over to young generation personalities like Gagan Thapa and other young politicians who commit to do the best and have guts to do that. otherwise these old politicians will do for their own benifit only, nothing else and nothing more.

    May true nationalist people save this nation.

    Thanks umesh ji

  16. माथि ९०% कटौती गर्नुपर्छ भन्न खोजेको हो

  17. संसदबाट यौटा राजडण्ड श्रिपेच र कुर्चि हटाउने कुरा राम्रै भएपनि खासै ठूलो परिवर्तन र नयाँ उन्नति हैन । बरु आँउदो बजेटमा दरबार खर्चमा ९० कटौति गरियोस्।राजा र रानि बाहेक अरुको मासिक तलब भत्ता शून्य गरियोस् । राजा रानीको मासिक तलब मात्र रु. १०००० देखि बढिमा १५००० कायम गरियोस् । अनि मात्र नेपाल र नेपालीले न्याय पाउने छ ।
    मलाई त यस्तो लाग्छ ।

  18. Baral Baje,

    You are sounding okay this time. But obviously, you are just copying what Prachanda told. Try to bring new ideas. When did you start to be a Maoist? In your last postings, you did not sound like that.

  19. Dear parliament Members:
    You did the good jobs. In parliament, people appreciate you for several good decisions and on the other hand people regret to call you “my honorable members” for thousands of nonsense decisions.

    You are still scared with dead snake and betting him again and again. That’s over. Your part is done.
    Some truth and facts:

    1. As per country is running under the 1990 constitution, MPs job is not to make constitution invalid through so called proclamation and MPs are not above the constitution and Supreme Court.
    2.There is still vast section of Nepali people want constitutional Monarchy. Remember in 2036 B.S. there ware 24 millions people voted in favor of Panchayat system, they all not been dead yet and wanted active monarchy.
    3.People who support monarchy, they do not go by individual king whether King Gyanandra or Paras, they believe and support the institution. Monarchy is the institution, tradition and culture.
    4.Kingdom of Nepal has totally different history than other kingdom of the world. The key factor is the Nepali land was unified by monarchy which still exists as a country.
    5.MPs current affairs in parliament is not supported by Maoist, security organizations, bureaucrats and large section of people including political parties other than SPA, also foreign powers USA, India and UK. All are watching to our MPs foolish braveness.
    6.MPs are not representing the Nepal people – they do not understand the language of grassroots’ people or they do understand the medium educated people. Which section of people they represent-unknown?
    7.King Gyanandra proclamation: restore of House was wrong and illegal. And restored house proclamation is 100% illegal.
    8.In 1990, one major mistake was insolating King, Security, bureaucrats and 24 millions people who voted in favor of Panchayat. King is not alone, including King means including all. So MPs! Please do not make same mistake again for long term peace, development and prosperities of all Nepali people.
    That’s all for now.
    Nepal Keto in USA

  20. कत्तै यो सरकारले फेरी २०४७ सालको जस्तै देशलाई ‘बाँदर को हातमा नरियल्’ गर्ने त होइन???

  21. deshma ramro hudai chha jasto lagna thaleko chha aba balla tara herdai jau aru kaam karbahiharu hamra netaharuko hoina ra ??

  22. “There is continued gap between Maoists’ commitments and their actions”
    James F. Moriarty, US ambassador to Nepal

    Thank you for the invitation to be with you today. Having witnessed the inspiring events of the “Jana Andolan” in April, I am pleased to be here to share in the excitement of Nepal’s move back to democracy and to reiterate my country’s support for the new Nepal Government and for the democratic aspirations of the Nepali people.

    The timing of this speech is particularly appropriate. As many of you know, next Tuesday the united States celebrates its 230th Independence Day. On July 4, 1776, our Declaration of Independence started my country’s journey toward rule of the people, by the people, and for the people. So may I first extend warm wishes for the success of your democracy on the occasion of the celebration of ours.

    The United States salutes the people of Nepal’s courage and resilience. Your success in forcing a return to democracy has created a broad spirit of optimism for the future. We are looking at ways in which we can help the people of Nepal as they further strengthen democracy and strengthen the momentum for peace.

    As our Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Richard Boucher said a few weeks ago, “Nepal’s future is in the hands of its people, and its political leaders must take steps to meet the people’s aspirations. We have no interest in prescribing the architecture of their democracy. The United States stands behind the people’s right to make that choice themselves through a free and fair political process, and we will stand against any who attempt to deny them the freedom that is their right.”

    I want to stress here that we are delighted there is broad agreement within Nepal on a roadmap to return full democracy and peace to the country by means of a constituent assembly. If that agreement is fully and fairly implemented, the people of Nepal will be able to decide their own future—and we firmly believe that they will endorse the path of peace, prosperity, and democracy.

    Democracy means rule of the people, by the people, and for the people, Democracy means transparency in government institutions, representative leadership that listens to its constituents, openness in the process of lawmaking, and consultations and consensus building. Democracy is a process, not an end result. Democracy is difficult and required lengthy discussions before decisions are made. Democracy means openness about government policies and allowing the people to contact political leaders and lobby for change. Democracy means a military firmly under civilian control.

    And above all, democracy demands the active participation in public life of all citizens. April was only the beginning. That broad-based public enthusiasm and involvement must be sustained if democracy is to succeed in Nepal.

    The United States is pleased to support the Nepal Government’s efforts to fulfill its mandate to provide peace and democracy to the people. We have increased our bilateral assistance by USD 12 million in recent months to a total of $45 people this year, including some $8 million for programs that directly build the capacity of vital democratic institutions such as the Peace Secretariat, the Commission for the Investigation of the Abuse of Authority, the national Human Rights Commission, the Election Commission, and the judiciary. We are supporting national and local peace-building initiatives and efforts to improve public understanding of the peace negotiations, the code of conduct, and a constituent assembly process.

    Some of what is happening in Nepal right now brings to mind the excitement in Russia in the spring of 1917…. Amidst this elation mixed with uncertainty, the Bolshevik Party and its leader Lenin violently and aggressively asserted their dominance over the other parties, sidelined the constituent assembly entirely, and created their own republic. The ‘second” Russian Revolution was complete, and a totalitarian state was created.
    We support these institutions and activities because, as I said earlier, being transparent in decision making and constantly informing the public about what is happening in the government is essential. People need to trust that the government is listening, is responding to their desires, is not only moving the country on the path to peace but bringing the people along as well. It is not enough to govern: the government must listen and take the people into its confidence.

    The new Nepal Government has shown its good faith by trying to be responsible to the will of the people, and accordingly has invested heavily in efforts to bring peace to Nepal by entering into agreements and negotiations with the Maoists. I am disappointed, however, that the Maoists as yet are not showing the same good faith. Like much of the media, many political party leaders, and indeed the average Nepali I meet on trips around the country, I am concerned by the continued gap between Maoist commitments and Maoist actions. Kidnapping, extortion, intimidation, and murder are not tools for mainstream democratic political parties—which the Maoists claim they are becoming. Hardly a day goes by without the press reporting on Maoist actions, and the press is not complimentary. Look at the case of Jwala Rajbanshi, beaten up by the Maoists on May 16 merely for doing his job as secretary of the VDC in Taplejung. Or the five businessmen locked up days later by Maoists for seven hours to extort money from them in Ramechhap. Or the Kantipur journalist they threatened in Chitwan on June 13. Or finally, 19-year-old Bishal Tamang, a tenth grader at the local high school, whom the Maoists kidnapped and murdered two weeks ago. This obviously goes against the spirit of the Jana Andolan and the peace process that has followed.

    Some of what is happening in Nepal right now brings to mind the excitement in Russia in the spring of 1917. The Russian people hoped their February revolution would bring democracy. Indeed, a constituent assembly to write a new constitution was planned for the next year. Amidst this elation mixed with uncertainty, the Bolshevik Party and its leader Lenin violently and aggressively asserted their dominance over the other parties, sidelined the constituent assembly entirely, and created their own republic. The ‘second” Russian Revolution was complete, and a totalitarian state was created.

    I am not the only one who remembers this historical lesson. On June 18, Prachanda told Nepal weekly magazine: “If the talks fail, there will definitely be an October Revolution of its own kind in Nepal. We are ready to lead that revolution.” He also said to Kantipur TV that “the Nepali people have the right to have an October revolution just like the way they had in Russia.” The political parties have worked hard in recent weeks, without resorting to intimidation, to bring about a new political order that will benefit all Nepalis. The Maoists need to show the same spirit of cooperation and compromise.

    We all want to believe that the Maoists have changed, that they will permanently renounce violence, that they will give up their arms before constituent assembly elections and submit themselves to the will of the Nepali people, and that they mean what they say when they speak loftily of supporting multiparty democracy and liberal economics. I share your hope that Nepal may soon have its lasting peace. However, until the Maoists bring their conduct in line with standards of mainstream political parties in multiparty democracies, it would be premature to declare that peace is already at hand.

    The Nepali people have risen up and demanded peace and democracy, and have demanded transparency and accountability from all sides. The process of building a democratic government and democratic culture is a long one but an absolutely essential one. I have come here today to celebrate the inspiring success of the Jana Andolan while at the same time understanding that the fight for democracy is not yet over. I urge all of you to continue to have the strength of will to attain and then sustain democracy. The United States will be with you.

    Thank you.

    (Full text of the speech delivered by US ambassador to Nepal, James Moriarty, at the 6th installation ceremony of the Rotary Club of Dilli Bazar, in Kathmandu on June 28, 2006)

  23. Saachain nai iniharu serios chan hola ta??

    Sabaijaana Fataharu ho… Mukh ma ram ram, bagalima churi… Sabai fataharulai falera naya anuhar liera auunu paryo.. Laaaj na bhaeko Nakacharaharu!


  24. *** Shah Dynasty –the dark age in history of Nepal***

    We still have unfinished job of wiping out the feudal system. The monarchy has to be wiped out before all troubles will cease. The monarchy has no place in 21 century Nepal.

    If you look at the history of Nepal, the reign of Shah Dynasty will be described as the dark age of Nepal. In all through out the history of NEPAL during Shah Dynasty, we only find power struggle within royal families and within their cronies and too much violence and no patriotic acts. They created the privileged class of people who were enjoying out of state coffer while the rest were living in destitute. They never did anything that would make people proud of them. They were also popular for depriving rights of indigenous people. They basically neglected languages, cultures and traditions of indigenous people (Janjati) of Nepal. It is indeed very sad moments in history to have shah dynasty for 237 years. I hope the end of the Shah dynasty, comes very soon.

    The history of Nepal tells us that Pratap Singh Shah, Rana Bahadur Shah, Grivanyudha, Rajendra Bikram, Surendra Bikram,(Trilokey Bikram married two daughters of Jung Bahadur and after that they merged with Rana families) and Prthivi Bir Birkam had never contributed anything in the history but only misfortune for the country. Rana Rules made Shah family as offspring of Rana family. Prithivi Bir Bikram and Tribhuvan spent their lives under the dark cloud of Rana rules. King Tribhuvan had a great opportunity to prove himself a liberal king but failed to take any action after B.S. 2007 . We are aware of the late king Mahendra who with Panchayat Raj created the privilege class around him and suppressed democracy. King Mahendra sold Narayanhiti palace, the public one to then government run by Prime Minister Kritinidhi Bista at Rs. 70 Million in BS 2026 (1968). It was highly inflated price. At that time, the business house, right at the heart of New Road, used to cost only Rs. 200,000–250,000. During the reign of Prithivi Bir Bikram, the land for the palace was acquired by Rana rulers without paying any compensation to land owners and built the palace with public money. King Birendra was a liberal king but could not withstand with the wicked queen Aishwarya who virtually ruled in proxy. We know what king Gyanendra did. He virtually wanted to set up the feudal system. What will happen when Paras becomes the king of Nepal ?

  25. umesh ji
    asti nepal sarkar ko chap herne mauka pako thiye. chap ma ta ajai sripech ra khukuri danda cross rahecha babai. aba sansar bhar jane chap ma sripech hataunu parena bhanya, hamra nautanki sansad ko budhi ma kasto naaako

  26. This is just a jock. What they (unqualified members of parlieament)have been doing since the parliament restored, they have done lots of nonsense decision without having a oath? And is this going to be valid?
    Please stop doing nonsense, you are the supreme institution of the people, you are not a student leader or not a leader of labour union. Please make a two and half core Nepali in centre not the hundreed who danced on the streets.

  27. wot is this oath for? i didnt get really. oath to lawmakers is ok but why to all parliamenterians and others?

    really confused.

  28. नमस्कार उमेश जि,
    कुरा र काम गर्दै गए पछी सुधारदै जाने हो तर उमेश जि एउटा कुरा अलि नमिले जस्तो लागेकोले मेरो मन तपाईंको प्रती कृयाको ठाउँमा लेख्न खोजिरहेको छु जुन नहुन पनि सक्छ । कुरा के भने हिजोको प्रती निधी सभामा सपथ ग्रहण गर्ने राष्ट्र लाई अगाडि बढाउन सपथ खाने मानानीय ज्युहरुले लगएर आउनु भएका आफुखुशीका पोसाक देख्दा मलाई अलि खल्लो लागेकोले यो प्रतिकृया लेखेको छु । मलाइ लाग्छ सभमुख् ज्युले पनि अब यो रास्टृय पोसाकलाइ रास्ट्रको प्रतिकको रुपमा ली कुनै पनि सरकारि कर्यक्रममा उक्त पोसाकलाइ अनिबार्य बनाइदिनुहुन्छ भन्ने बिनम्र अनुरोध गर्दछु ।

  29. हामिलाइ लाग्छ यो देख्दा राजाका अधिकार खतम बयको छ तर अन्तरिम सम्बिधानबाट मात्र संम्बैधानिकरुपामा राजाका अधिकार खोस्सियको मान्तिन्छ र राजाको भबिस्य संम्बिधानसभाको चुनाबबाट। तर यो सपथता नाटकहो यस्ले त २०४७ सालको संम्बिधानलाइ केहि सुधार गरेको मात्रदेखिन्छ। किनभने त्यहाँ राजाले नियुक्त गरेका सांसध र मन्तृइ मण्डल छन। यहाँ जनतालाइ धोकादिन लागिएको छ।
    तपै हेर्दैजानुहोस् यो २००७ देखि २०११ र २०११ देखि २०१५ हुदै इतिहास् दोहोराइदैछ।

  30. संसदबाट राजाको कुर्चि हटायकोमात राम्रोछ।
    हेर्दा सपथ पनि नयां घोषणा अनुशार पनि ठिकै र खुबै करान्तिकारि मान्नियता पनि अन्तरिम संम्बिधान बानाुनछोडि त्यतातिर लाग्नु त्यतिमनासिब लाग्दैन। अन्तरिम संम्बिधानबाटनै सम्पुर्ण बिषयको मुळयाकन हुनछ त्यसमा पनि सबैले मान्ने र सम्बैधानिक निकास साथै स्पष्ठ बाटो कोरिन्छ। त्यतातिर नलागि सानाकाममा लाग्नु कति उचित मान्ने। उता सर्बोच्चाधालतका न्यायधिशहरुले समेत यस्लाइ संसदको सर्बोच्चता ठुलोकि बिधायिका ठुलो भन्ने बिषयमा समेत प्रस्न राखेको पाइन्छ। त्यस अर्थमा पनि अन्तरिम संबिधानको तर्जुमा छिटो गर्नु पर्ने देखिन्छ। सर्बोचनेताले संहिगेरेको मसौधालाइ ता आफै प्रस्न खडा गरेभने यस्लाइ पनि भोलि बैधानिक् बिषय अधालतमा खडागरि धोतिलागाइ दिन सक्नेछन्। होस्सियार् !ा

  31. ल ल छिटो अप्डेट गर्नुस् हेरी हालौ ।

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