आठ दलबीच ऐतिहासिक सहमति

[मण्डलेहरुका लागि हर्ट ब्रेकिङ न्युज]
२०६३ कात्तिक २२ बुधबार
अपडेट (राति ११०): अन्ततः नेपालीहरुले व्यग्रताका साथ प्रतीक्षा गरिरहेको समाचार ढिलै र मध्यरातमा भए पनि आएको छ। बालुवाटारमा भइरहेको सात दल र माअ‍ोवादीको वार्तामा सहमति भएको खबर छ। सहमति जुट्न बाँकी ५ बूँदाहरुमा पनि लामो छलफलपश्चात् सहमति भएपछि १५ बूँदे सहमतिमा आठै दलका नेताहरुले हस्ताक्षर राति अबेर भए पनि हस्ताक्षर गरेको खबर छ। राति अबेरसम्म भए पनि बसेर आजै निर्णयमा पुग्छौं भनेर नेताहरुले बिहान भनेको कुरा अब बल्ल सत्य भएको छ। सहमतिका बूँदाहरु भित्र छन्।

विस्तृत विवरण आउन बाँकी छ। तर सर्सती आएका विवरण यस प्रकार छ-

– कात्तिक ३० गते अर्थात् नोभेम्बर १६ सम्ममा सरकार र विद्रोही माअ‍ोवादीबीच शान्ति सम्झौता हुनेछ।

-मंसिर ५ गते अर्थात् नोभेम्बर २१ मंगलबारदेखि दुवै सेनाको सुपरिवेक्षण सुरु हुनेछ। अर्थात् नेपाली सेना र माअ‍ोवादी सेना यो मितिभित्र निश्चित क्याम्पमा बस्नेछन्। माअ‍ोवादी सेनाका लागि ७ डिभिजन र २१ बिग्रेड कायम गरिएको छ।

-मंसिर १५ गते अर्थात् डिसेम्बर १ तारिखभित्र अन्तरिम संविधान लागू हुनेछ।

– मंसिर १५ गते अर्थात् डिसेम्बर १ तारिखमा माअ‍ोवादीसहितको अन्तरिम सरकार गठन हुनेछ। (भागवण्डाको कुरा जानकारी दिइएको छैन)

-राजाको घोषणाले पुनर्जीवित भएको वर्तमान संसद अर्थात् प्रतिनिधि सभा र राष्ट्रिय सभा समेत विघटन गरी माअ‍ोवादीसहितको अन्तरिम संसद बनाइनेछ। अन्तरिम संसदलाई अन्तरिम व्यवस्थापिका नाम दिइएको छ। यसमा 330 सदस्य हुनेछन्। संसद नाम नराख्न माअ‍ोवादीले अडान राखेको थियो। भागवण्डा यसप्रकार मिलाइएको छ-

नेपाली काँग्रेस ७५
एमाले ७३
माअ‍ोवादी ७३
प्रजातान्त्रिक काँग्रेस ४२
बाँकी दल ४८
[एमाले अन्तिम समयसम्म माअ‍ोवादीभन्दा एक सिट मात्र भए पनि बढी पाउनु पर्ने अडान राखेको थियो। तर जनमत संग्रह लगायतका अन्य मागहरुमा फेल खाए जस्तै यो माग पनि एमालेको पूरा हुन सकेन। योसँगै १० वर्षभन्दा बढी सशस्त्र विद्रोह गरेको पार्टी नेकपा माअ‍ोवादी अ‍ौपचारिक रुपमा राजनीतिक मूलधारमा आएको छ। ]

– अन्तरिम संविधानसम्बन्धी केही बाधा अडचन आएमा संवैधानिक अदालतले त्यसको निराकरण गर्नेछ। संवैधानिक अदालत गठन गर्ने पनि सहमति भएको छ।

– संविधान सभाको निर्वाचन मिश्रित प्रणालीमा हुनेछ। (यो काँग्रेसको अवधारणा हो। माअ‍ोवादी र एमालेले सुरुदेखि मिश्रित प्रणाली हुनुपर्ने माग राखेका थिए। पछि प्रम र प्रचण्डको वार्तामा माअ‍ोवादी मिश्रितमा जान राजी भएको थियो)

-संविधान सभाको लागि मतदान गर्न पाउने उमेर १८ वर्षको हुनेछ। (लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्रको पक्षमा प्रचार गर्न थाले भयो अब। यसअघि १६ वर्ष गर्ने कि भन्ने बारेमा लामो छलफल भएको थियो)

– राजाको विषयमा संविधान सभाको पहिलो बैठकको सामान्य बहुमतले निर्णय गर्नेछ।

-राजाका हैसियतले राजाको सम्पतिका रुपमा रहेका जस्तै निकुञ्ज,ऐतिहासिक र पुरातात्विक दरबारको राष्ट्रियकरण हुनेछ। वीरेन्द्र र जेठ १९ मा मारिएका सबै राजपरिवारका सदस्यहरुको सम्पतिको ट्रस्ट बनाई राष्ट्रहितमा लगाइनेछ।

-अन्तरिम सरकार बनेपछि जनसरकार र जनसत्ता भंग हुनेछन्।

सहमतिमा एमालेले तलको ब्लग पोस्टमा भनिए जस्तो जनमत संग्रह र समानुपातिक प्रणालीमा संविधान सभाको निर्वाचन हुनुपर्ने भनी फरक मत राखेको पनि उल्लेख गरिएको छ।


  1. Its Amazing and Wonderful!
    I haden’t ever expected such news and decisions in such a short passage of time. The decision definitely shall meet the milestone for the peaceful and prosperious country.


    Ramesh Bhandari, Dolakha

  2. Hurrhey! Well Done & Bravo!
    It’s the matter of utmost raptures that SPA and Maoist have made a historical decision for the restoration and reestablishment of New Nepal. Really, it had to be done and happened in our country for the social changes and devlopment. Let’s hope for the prosperious Nepal and liberty for all the people.

    Thanks and thanks!
    Khila Achhami, Gorkha at present in KHimti

  3. Ya hooo! Its a victory of nepalies people for which people of Nepal fought against the monarchy, autocrate and descrimination of the people. For especial thanks goes to G.P. koirala, Prachanda, Madav Kumar Nepal and other political leaders. We people are so lucky for getting our soverengity, peace and loktantra. Jaya loktantra !
    Dev Raj Bhandari, Dolakha.

  4. Thanks to all you played role to bring the situation through. Now onward, all we should bear in mind that “No thing is better than Peace”. If peace is there every thing is possible. Killing each other is not suitable for the civilized world. If we love each other, every other minor things come over automatically.


    Let’s now implement these agreements practically which means ROYAL PALACE will be disarmed & rNA will be re-structured before CA polls so that there will be NO MORE SHOCKS on the next day after CA Polls.

    Without disarming PALACE & restructuring of rNA, people’s verdict of CA polls can be very easily dismissed by PALACE’S guns. However, people got the keys of their guns if needed to resist again.

  6. 你好,
    希望那些领导会考虑尼泊人的问题, 希望我么国家也能过发展,。
    SUMAN 苏曼, 杭州,中国

  7. Hureeeeee!!!




  8. उनेश जे नमस्कार, तपाईं ले जनान्दोलन २ मा खेलेको भूमिका र गरेको सहयोग हामी कहेलाई वीरसन् सक्दैनौ । अहीले पनि तपाईंले जुन पर्रिसरम गर्नुभईराखेको छ, तेस्स्को लागि धेरै धेरै धन्यबाद ।

  9. It is a very important decision. At the same time it is very crucial time to see new development around different quarter and palaces. Neplease so called political history is dark. This is the country has a uncountable crime done under the name of kingship and arm force (royal) for centuries. They have deep interest to continue that era at any cost. So as a nepali citizen everybody has to do their best to be free from dark. Do not follow wrong direction based on greed. Take your step for the future of country and its entire nepalese. May be in the past there was minor confrontation between us, forgot about that be compact for the good as a hard rock. No body can break that rock until we are united. Becareful……there are bunch of jackle in and out of the country under the neme of best wisher. If they get opportunity they will show their dance and suppress us again forever. Thank you all hope for best and act in the right direction. If so our future will be bright.


    But care and cautiousness is seriously needed to go ahead since Nepal has still some bad guys (parties, some newspapers and people like Katuwal, Moriarty and Gyanendra of course also) who can interven, manipulate and try to create disturbances in between. So we all must be carefull for that.

  11. हैन साच्चै हाम्रो नेपाल मा शान्ति आउने भयो त? यो त अत्ति राम्रो कुरा पड्न पाइयो, धन्य छ उमेश जि, हजुरलाइ,,बल्ल हाम्रा नेताहरुको घैटोमा घाम लागे जस्तो छ।।अब जसरि हो पडेर मात्र होइन, देख्नु पनि पर्छ। बल्ल “सुन्दर शान्त नेपाल” को बिरुवा रोपिये जस्तो छ, तर रोपेर मात्र फुल्दैन र फल्दैन पनि, त्यसकोलागि हामि सम्पुर्ण नेपालिले मलजल गर्नु पर्छ र फलाउनु पर्छ।।। हे नेपाल आमा अब तिमिपनि खुसि हुने मौका आयेको छ, आज सम्म तिम्रो छातिमाथि हामि नाङ्गै नाच्यौ, रातो होलि खेल्यौ,बिभिन्न गर्यौ, तर चिन्ता नलिनु आमा अब हामि “साडे-दुइ” मिलेर तिमिले खोजे जस्तो शान्ति र तिमिले भने जस्तो बिहानि ल्याउदैछौ,त्यपछि तिमि सदै हासेर बस्न पाउनेछौ,केहि समय पर्ख ल आमा।।।

  12. GOOD NEWS!!!

    Thanks goes to both Girija Prasad and Pushpa Kamal,we have to appreciate them for their affort.

    It is an historical event.

    But the situation will not change tomorrow. The leaders have to work hard for the transformation of the country. We people have to support them.

    There are two ways.
    1. To look bac the past and be engaged on that or
    2. Move ahead with the spirit of the agreement.

    I prefer the second but, just forgetting past is not sufficient,rather it will be meaningless unless we start to set new records from today.

    May our leaders take lead on that direction.

    On this occassion, best wishes to all.


  13. that is really really good news i don’t belive it. i think new nepal is begining . (hamro nepal aba kasle begarna sakcha aba janata le buji ko cha k garnu parcha bhane ra )everybody cheer up

  14. Umesh brother,

    Pardon my rush in my previous comment. You can immagine that I was very excited by the news.

    I know that you have been very current and fair to your readers when you published your news. Now, I would like to request you that you should advocate for democracy to help many Nepalese understand their own future and way out.

    I mean, forget about NC, UML, Maoist and other political parties. They are too old who are out of touch with the future Nepal. They act as if they know eveything but know very litte.

    It’s time to throw the kingship and accept presidential political system. Any person, Nepali, that is popular among nepali should be allowed to represent nepal and nepali. It is not fair to all if one is superior than all and forever just because he/she was born in the roayl family. Everybody should be given an opportunity to represent people.

    You, me and we all should let others know what is best for all. You know that if we can’t do/change now, we will never be able to do anything. It will be too late to raise voice against the monarchy in the future but now.

    Please, lets do something. you do from there and I will do from here.

    Good luck to us in throwing the monarchy out of the country.

  15. What a wonderful news!

    Let us celebrate guys!

    Democracy Jindabad!

    Thanks Umeshji for the Great News!

    God bless Nepalese and our Sweet Home Nepal!

    Bro Ram
    Florence, AL

  16. Atlast finally !! Great news ! Lets see what’s will be the future now…With all these multi party in the new house including Maos, I hope there won’t be any more fighting for power now..I am just seeing a small light in the horizon at this time…It’s not going to be an easy task, but hopefully everything works out for peace now…Everybody is tired !!!!

    We have to catch up with our giant neighbors who are racing for 2 big global super powers.
    For the bright future of our country!!
    Cheers !!! Aayo Gorkhalis !!

  17. Early morning ma nai nikai ramro news sunna pahiyo. Aaaba sabai milera des ko bikas garne bela aaye ko ho ki?

  18. Hey, its a great news. We all nepali peoples have been waiting for this moment from past decade. Today is the day every Nepali Will celebrate.
    And thanks for recent update Umesh jee.

  19. देशमा चलिरहेको माओबादी जनयुद्धले बार्ताको माध्यमबाट नै सफलताको शिखर सम्म पुगेकोमा हामी सम्पुर्ण नेपालीहरु धेरै खुसी छौं । तर यूरोपका धेरै देशमा देशमा समस्या भएको दर्शाउदै जेनेभा सन्धिलाई ढाल बनाएर बसेका बाहिर राजनैतिक समस्या परेको कुरा दर्शाउने तर बास्तबमा आर्थिक समस्याको कारण युरोपको बिभिन्न ठाँउमा बसेका शरणार्थीको त भागा भाग हुने भयो नि उमेश जी

  20. Morning is showing good. We have to see whole day. Be unity for integrated development of Nepal. May god fill positive attitude to the brain of all nepalese leaders. This will be golden period to make peaceful and prosperous Nepal.

    Asharam Nhemaphuki
    The Netherlands.

  21. Dear Umesh Ji
    Namaskar from Netherlands.

    First of all we would like to respect and honour to all of those leaders who have successed to give us this happy and historic news. Definitely, to get a appropriate solution of this polotical issu was tough, eventhough, they have been able to meet their commom point.

    Birendra, Siddha Raj and Asha Ram
    UNESCO-IHE,Delf the Netherlands

    Now it is the time for us to get inspiration from this event and now we should commit to build a prograssive, proporous and glorious peaceful Nepal.

    Lets love Nepal, Lets love peace and lets respect the movement of Nepalese people.

  22. Umesh jee !
    Thank you very much for publishing the news so soon. I was waiting for it, and you gave it. Thank you very much for your update.

    Lastly, It’s a joy of all nepalese. May everything turn out the same way it has been decided.

  23. ** Lost of a great battle for Nepalis **

    The root cause of all problems we have in Nepal is the feudal system associated with the monarchy institution. The Peace Summit failed to take a decisive action to abolish the monarchy institution and it has deceived the people’s aspiration. It amounta to a total failure not only from the side of SPA parties but also Maoists as well.

    If they could not decide to abolish the monarchy institution, the people must be given rights to decide the fate of the monarchy by referendum. It signifys the lost of our greatest battle in history of Nepal.

    On what basis will the members of constituent assembly decide the fate of the monarchy institution? It would face more obstacles later on.

    PM Grija wanted to give space for the monarchy. I think he got what he wants. He knows his future is uncertain with Congress party divided and because of that he wanted to strengthen Congress by calling for unity with Democratic Congress and also he wanted to foster support form the remaining monarchists. Now he can assured himself that he will get all financial support form monarchists for his endeavour for the election of Constiuent Assembly.

    The election of CA now becomes just a channel to legalise all excesses done by Maoists. In the name of peoples’ revolution, Maoists did a number of heinous crimes. Extortion and death threats are not only common practices of Maoists but also people are coerced to follow their ideology. We must have rights to stand against their ideology of violence as well.

    The monarchy institution has no place in 21 century Nepal. It has to be abolished before we can expect peace and stability in the country.

  24. The goal has not achieved yet. This is just a beginning of constructing real Nepal.
    In order to make a great Nepal and keep a long lasting peace, we now need to erase monarchy system from Nepal.
    Until we completely throw the monarchy , nothing will make any differnt. You know that if there is a mine in the forest, it can blast anytime.

    Please lobby against kingship but public governance. We will previl, public will previl, and the peace will previl.
    This modern Nepal belongs to you YOUNG nepalese, so its you not to listen to those old Leaders but to yourselves.


  25. thanks for the good news! yo khusi ko upalakhsya ma UmeshJi like 5 US$ donation pani pathayeko chu.
    Keep up the good work

  26. Sorry to be a party pooper but I think it is a little too early to celebrate. They just signed an agreement. We need to wait and see if Maoists will follow their words.

    Are they really going to lock up their arms? Are they going to stop extortions? They signed the agreement but at the same time they are pressuring the Kathmandu residents to house 10 maoists at their houses. So we need to be watch developments carefully and need to show Maoists that we are not going to give up to their extortions and threats.

    It is good news nevertheless. However, I would not celebrate so much.

  27. Cheers,
    Finally the leaders has taken some good steps and lets hope that these aggrement will not be in paper only but infact be implemented.
    And this is only the beginning not the end.There are lots more things to do for driving Nepal back into the path of development.

  28. Great news for Nepal. Lets hope everything goes well for Nepal now onwards. Unless we establish a real democracy in Nepal and all autocratic forces are defeated, Nepal will not have a bright future. That bottomline is still valid.

  29. It’s a great news. get started with Deepawali. This is the bonus festival of this year for all Nepali.

  30. Umesh ji,
    Thanks alot for updading.

    This is really good news and one of the Brightest day in our Nepali History. We must thank to all Leaders and pressure group of civil society to run situation into progressive mode.

    We definitely will have much joyful time while NEPAL Names “New Milleneum Republican Nation” in the world for HISTORY and our pride.

    Let’s share the joy worldwide.

    Nagendra Ingnam
    Alliance For Democracy & Human Rights in Nepal
    New York, USA

  31. Finally, the news, which we were waiting for so long is now with us. thanks for your wonderful effort to update the news.
    Rupak START Sydney,aus,(Ratnanagar- 3 chitwan)

  32. उमेश जि
    एमाले प्रति अलि बाएस देखियो….सरकार बनाउदा पनि उनिहरुलाइ अलि अन्याय भयो..अहिले पनि उनिहरुको कुरा काग्रेस ले काट्यो….अब एमाले सग चुनव मा सिट् बदि ल्याउने मात्र बिकल्प ६
    बिष्नु आचार्य

    भियना, अश्ट्रिया

  33. Deshma Shanti hunchha bhane thulo kura tyahi ho , desh bikash ko bhagbanda sitko bhagbanda bhanda thulo hunuparne ho…samastima ramro khabar ho..

  34. Thanks Umeshji
    Great news. Now we’ve got a wonderful oppurtunity to remodel the Nepal. Lets’ hope for more good news in the day to come.

  35. धेरै राम्रो खबर खुशी लाग्यो । अब हेर्नु छ, को कति पानीमा छ थाहा हुन्छ । माओवादी पार्टी १००% शाही थियो भन्ने कुरा अहिले बल्ल सत्य सबिता भएकोमा धेरै खुशी लाग्यो ।

  36. It is the happiest moment for all Nepali people and all were waiting to hear this news. Let’s hope Nepal will be prospored shortly.

    Lekh Nath Adhikari, Reno, USA

  37. सात दल र माओवादीबीच २२ कार्तिक १ बजे बिहान सहमतिमाथि हस्ताक्षर भएको छ। सहमति बमोजिम ३० कार्तिकसम्ममा शान्ति सम्झैतामा हस्ताक्षर गरिने छ। सहमतिको भाग ६ मा राखिएको समय तालिका अनुसार ५ मंसिरभित्र माओवादी सेना हतियारसहित क्यापभित्र राखिने छ र सोही दिन अन्तरिम संविधान जारी भएको घोषणा गर्दै वर्तमान संसद विगठन गरिने छ।

    ५ मंसिरमै ३३० सदस्यीय अन्तरिम विधायिका गठन हुने छ। अन्तरिम विधायिकामा हाल दुवै सदनमा रहेका २०९ जना सदस्यसहित माओवादीको तर्फबाट ७३ र बिभिन्न पेशाकर्मी तथा नागरिक समाजको तर्फबाट ४८ जनाको प्रतिनिधित्व हुने छ। दलिय हिसाबले अन्तरिम बिधायिकामा नेपाली काङ्ग्रेसको ७५, नेकपा एमाले र माओवादी ७३-७३, नेपाली काङ्ग्रेस प्रजातान्त्रिक ४२ र अन्य साना दलको १९ प्रतिनिधित्व हुने छ। हाल संसदमा प्रतिनिधित्व नरहेको संयुक्त बाम मोर्चालाई सहमति बमोजिम प्रतिनिधित्व गराइने छ।

    संविधान सभामा भाग लिनेको उमेर १८ हुने सहमति भएको छ। यसैबीच संविधान सभाका लागि मिश्रित निर्वाचन प्रणाली तथा राजतन्त्रको बारेमा संविधान सभाको पहिलो बैठकबाट निर्णय लिइने भन्ने दुईवटा सहमतिप्रति नेकपा एमालेले आफ्नो असमति प्रस्तुत गर्दै ‘नोट अफ डिसेन्ट’ लेखेको छ।

  38. Congratulations to all Nepali on the eve of new Nepal. Let us wish for peace and prosperity of the country.

    ITC, Netherland

  39. Thank you for publishing this good news. It is really great news I ever heard in my life. Congratulation to All Nepalese people. Lets work together for New Nepal.

  40. Congratulations all! Seems like it is time to celeberate. But everybody needs to be cautious in the days to come. All the Nepalese living abroad should now campaign for the right to vote in the CA elections.

  41. wow…wow great news indeed! i hope that developlment of the nepal will reach to the zenith. and lets pray for better Neapl.

  42. Umeshjee, Namasker from Paris,

    Frist of all I am happy and glad that the peace negotiation has been signed in KTM.Thanks to those who worked hard for it.Our dream became real. Let us see the
    implimentation. I wish its succes. I hope that the leaders work as accordance with our aspirations.

    Secondly, I like to thank to Umeshjee and his team for giving the quick update news for which I opened trice .
    I remember and appreciate also for these kinds of quick updated news at the time of JANAANDOLAN. We readers appreciate this kind of worthy news than the long discussion and useless personal critisimes.
    Thanks again Umeshjee.

  43. Good news for all of us. We all nepalese were eagerly waiting for this day.Congartulations ! to all of us.

  44. Good news for all peace loving people of Nepal. Thank you Umesh ji for your quick update. Comming days are difficulties for maoist. Let’s see.

  45. this is great new that we nepali people have been waiting for such a long. lets pray to god that now everything will be fine and nepal be the best place to live in with love and peace.

  46. उमेश जी,
    यती धेरै खुशीको खबर चाडै सुनाउनु भएकोमा तपाईंलाई मूरी मूरी धन्यवाद । सुन्दर्, शान्त, बिशाल नेपालको परिकल्पना यहि बाट सुरु हुनेछ भन्ने कामना हामी सबै मिलेर गरौ।
    पशुपतिनाथले सबैको कल्याण् गरून्।

  47. निकै धेरै मिडिया ओगटेर मात्र के गर्नु र, समाचार को लागि मेरो संसार नखोली धरै छैन । बधाई छ उमेश जी, मै हु भन्ने टाइकुन लाई लोप्पा खुवाइदिएको मा । तपैको ध्यान् अब नेपाल मा कानुन् हत्केलामा लियेर जबर्जस्ति गर्ने प्रबृत्ति लाइ निरुत्सहन् पार्ने तिर उन्मुख हुनु पर्छ। अब को नेपाल हिजो को जस्तो बन्दुक् र लात् अनि सामन्ति सम्स्कार् ले कदापि चल्नु हुन्न। बहुलबाद लाइ फुल्न दिनु पर्छ। एउटा अधिनायक्बाद को बिकल्प अर्को तानाशाहि ब्यबस्था हुन सक्दैन। तपाइ को सुचना सम्प्रेशन् गर्ने हक कसैले खोस्ने ब्यबस्था नाआओस्। येसैमा हामि हरु सजग हुनु पर्छ। राजतन्त्र त जाने नै भयो अब अर्को नया जबर्जस्ति तन्त्र ले तेस्को ठाउ लिनु हुदैन।

  48. चांडैनै, अरु समाचार पत्र (कान्तीपुर, नेपाल-न्युज) भन्दा पहीला, खबर ल्याइदीनु भएकोमा उमेशजी लाइ धन्यबाद।

  49. Congratulations on being the first source to break the news. When all the national media with millions in investment were sleeping, Mysansar became the first source to break the news. Congratulations again.

  50. यो सम्झौतालाइ अषाढ २ गतेको ५ बुदे सहमति जस्तै धोति नलगाउन यहि कामना गरौ अहिलेलाइ।
    तर मलाइत संकालागेको छ फ्रेरि केहि राजनितिक नेताले किचलो उठाउछ भन्ने।
    आजरातिनै संसद बिघटन र नयांअन्तरिम संसदको घोषण, अन्तरिम संम्बिधानको घोषण, र सम्बिधान सभाको चुनबको मिति अनि नयांसरकारको घोषणा आजरातिनै एकै चोटिगरेको भए बल्ल बिस्वास्लाग्दो हो।
    त्तैपनि आषा गरौं
    भोलिबाट सडयन्त्र हुन सुरुहुने छ। मान्छेको किनमेल सुरु हुने छ।

  51. It’s the most joyful time I ever had and it’s the winning point of all Nepalese people for the new NEPAL. Thanx Umeshji, you gave such an wonderful news first on web.

  52. उमेश जी,
    यती धेरै खुशीको खबर चाडै सुनाउनु भएकोमा तपाईंलाई मूरी मूरी धन्यवाद । सुन्दर्, शान्त, बिशाल नेपालको परिकल्पना यहि बाट सुरु हुनेछ भन्ने कामना हामी सबै मिलेर गरौ।
    पशुपतिनाथले सबैको कल्याण् गरून्।

  53. सम्पदक ज़्यु,
    सारइ नै रम्रो खबर सुनाउनु भयकोमा तपइलई धन्यबत भन्न चाह्न्छु.र मेरो तर्फ बाट समपुर्ण नेपलि जनता हरुलाइ पनि बधई भन्न चाहनछु.
    डिल्लि प्रसाद पौडेल,
    बर्गेन विश्वविधायालय,

  54. सहमति भये को मा राम्रो कुरा हो ।
    कुर्सि को त भागबन्डा भये छ !खुसि को कुरा हो!देश् को बिकाश् को भागबन्डा कहिले हुने हो ।?

  55. सम्जेउता त भयो तर गिरिजा र ज्ञानेको भरोसा छैन है बिचार गर्नु पर्छ होला हत्त्यर ब्यरेकमा राखे पछि

  56. धन्यबाद उमेश जी,
    जेएपनि अबनेपालले शान्ति पाउनु पर्छ,पार्ति नेताहरु अब देशलाई कुन गतिमा अगाडी बधाउने भन्नेबारेमा लाग्नु पर्छ|नकी फलाना धेस्का हामि येस्तो फलाना पार्ति तेस्तो भनेर हैन|सासकले साशनको अर्थ बुझेर देश हाक्नु पर्छ,सबै मान्छे सन्गँ देश नेत्रुतो गर्ने क्षमता हुँदैन,त्र जनताले पनि यो कुरा बुझ्नु पर्छ मेरो नेतानै हुनुपर्छ भन्ने हैन,मेरो नेपाल्” शान्ति नेपाल सधैँ उँन्नतिको बातोमा लम्कोश,

  57. It’s indeed a great news(if true) that there is an agreement between the SPA and Maoists. However, we wanted to hear that there would be a referendum about the future of the so called King. Anyway,we hope to see the bright future of Nepal, as bright as our mountains look in the daylight and as bright as the Nepali people all around the globe are with this breaking news.

    Kedar Nepal
    Mississippi, USA

  58. Rebel Maoists to join Nepal government in historic peace deal

    11 minutes ago

    KATHMANDU (AFP) – Nepal’s rebel Maoists will take their place in government, negotiators said, after a landmark peace deal to end a 10-year insurgency.

    An interim government will be formed by the beginning of December, negotiators said in the early hours of Wednesday morning, after a breakthrough in the country’s six-month-old peace process.

    A government negotiator told reporters that the deal “has opened the doors to build a new Nepal.”

    “The seven parties and Maoists have reached a historic deal to end the 10-year-old insurgency peacefully,” Ram Chandra Poudel, a government negotiator, told reporters outside the talks venue, after a marathon 16-hour session.

    “The current parliament and National Assembly will be dissolved and an interim parliament will be formed by November 26. The interim government including the Maoists will be formed by December 1,” Hridayesh Tripathi, minister of commerce, told AFP.

    The two sides have also agreed that the rebel weapons will be locked up and placed in seven camps under
    United Nations supervision, Poudel said.

    The fate of the monarchy will be decided at the first meeting after elections to a body that will rewrite Nepal’s constitution permanently, said the negotiator from the Nepali Congress party.

    The breakthrough came after the marathon session of negotiations between Maoists and political leaders that began Tuesday morning.

    Negotiators had expected such a breakthrough this week in Nepal’s protracted peace process after the Maoists agreed at the weekend to lock up their weapons and place them under United Nations supervision.

    The disarming of the rebels had been a sticking point in the peace process aimed at ending a bloody conflict that has claimed at least 12,500 lives in Nepal since 1996.

    The multi-party government came to power in April after mass protests forced King Gyanendra to end direct rule.

    Since declaring a ceasefire in May, the government and rebels have held two rounds of high-level peace talks.

    In June, the government and the Maoists agreed to hold elections to a constituent assembly to rewrite the country’s basic law, meeting a key rebel demand.

    The two sides also agreed five months ago to form an interim parliament that would bring the Maoists into the country’s political mainstream.

    This is the third time the two sides have tried to hammer out a peace deal. Two previous attempts, in 2001 and in 2003, both failed, plunging the country back into conflict.

  59. umesh ji
    regular news update garnu bhayekoma .aaja ko meeting le yetihasik nirnay gareko chha . Neta haru le dhilai bhaye pani janaandolan bhag -2 ko sahi mulyankan gareko ma sarai khusi lagyo .

  60. शिखर् बार्ता सफाल् भयेकोम गर्बलग्यो तर अब ८ दल् कुर्चि को लगि मत्र लद्ने हो कि देशबीकसको लागि के गर्ने छन् हेर्न बाकि छ
    बिकास बि क कास्की काडे

  61. At first I want to thank Umesh Ji for his restless update of latest news.
    Best of Luck to all Nepali People, Keep it up!

  62. wao wao wao thakx party aaba raja fyallera dekhawo aani timiharu ka sabai galti haru nepali le birsine chan aani mobadi ko pani

  63. Umesh Ji
    Great job indeed. Thanks for keeping updtaed.
    Lets be positive and creative for the building of New Nepal.

  64. Umeshji!
    This is one of the great news you ever published at your blog. Its really a great and good news for all the nepalis living around the globe. Hope this agreement between SPA and Maoist will bring permanent peace in the country and the nation will soon take a path peace, sustainability and development.

    Amar Ale, Virginia, USA

  65. i would like to thanks for special contribution in spreading latest news on towards us. we are very pleased and grateful with you. i am preying for very progress of this site to our god pashupatinath. long live merosansa web site.
    sher bahadur bk
    qatar doha

  66. Good News, congratulations to all nepalese! This is abviously a good start! Lets hope the all those agreements will be implementated with full responsibility from all sides.

    Wish a good time a head!

  67. thanks god, thanks umesh ji, really really wonderful news that i have been waiting since 10 years, now I am really happy to see your update umesh ji. I just wake up and saw your update. let’s hope to see our new beautiful country.

  68. Really a great news. Now lets hope that our country will be also in a track of democraty, prosperity and developpement. Lets pray god that the leaders won’t fight for chairs, leaving us, all nepali people in our poverty. I really hope that they will think for our motherland before their own benefits and of their party and power.

    Congratulations to them andf to us all…

    Shreeking, Paris

  69. Thank you so much for the good News, for which we Nepali People were waiting since long.Hope it leads to Peace,Development,and Cooperation between People.We expect transparency, and effective governance, which will lead our Country:

    Binayak Sharma; Bimala Acharya and Sefina

  70. उमेश जी
    अपडेटको लागी धन्यबात
    बल्ल केहि मात्रामा भएपनि राम्रो समाचार सुन्न

    अब छिटो भन्दा छिटो प्रोसेस अगाडि बडाएर समस्याको समाधान गर्न तिर लाग्नु पर्छ

    श्री पशुपति नाथ ले राजाको कल्याण गरुन् !

  71. me nepal my pride!

    lets do for our nation, we have to show these europeans n americans that how capable nepalese people are!

    i dream nepal will be the most reachest country by next 15 years

  72. umesh jee
    thanks for being the first to provide latest news for the people who were waiting for the news impatiently all around the world. now the country will run peacefully and very well that era will address the aspirations of nepalese people.
    LN Gautam

  73. YOUR site is NO 1 for nepali news and bloggig
    u push back nepalnews ekantipur google even to yahoo news
    great job
    u r the first to update it

  74. wao wao wao
    m waiting without going outside inorder to read this update in ur site becomes meaningful
    thankx god
    and thankx umesh dai for update great work
    this is the first site who update this news in the www( i think so)
    lets c what they will do

  75. Its a great news.!!!! Thank you Umesh ji. U have struggled so much for giving all updated news. U have really become very dear to all of us in the abroad. Keep it up !!! Sincerely yours !!!- Pushpa G. Dahal

  76. watta gd news, well done to all the ppls who have done this job, bt can’t so excited now, still real things to come.

  77. Dear Umeshji,

    I am so haapy today to hear from you that there is an agreement betwen the 8 parties.If this is true it will be a very happiest moment to all Nepalis who wish permanent peace,development,liberty, and equall opportunity to all. Let’s hope the coming new Nepal will be a most prosperous in the world.

    Thanks for your update. I was waiting this good news over here in my office in Colorado, US.

    Pramod Ghimire

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