-कृष्ण ढुंगाना-
पेशा पत्रकारिता त्यसमाथि कलेजको पढाइ पनि । विपश्यना ध्यानका बारेमा ४ वर्षअघि सुनेपछि नै जाउँजाउँ लागेको थियो । तर कहिल्यै साइत जुरेको थिएन । केही समयअघि समाचारको व्यस्ततालाई चटक्कै छाडेर पुगियो मुहानपोखरी, बुढानिलकण्ठ- जहाँ रहेको छ नेपाल विपश्यना सेन्टर । विपश्यना प्राचीन भारतको त्यो ध्यान विधि हो जसको प्रयोग गरेर सिद्धार्थ गौतमले बुद्धत्व प्राप्त गरेका थिए । यो धर्म वा सम्प्रदाय होइन, विचार वा दर्शन होइन । विशुद्ध ध्यानविधि हो ।
शिविरमा रहँदा दश दिनदेखि कसैसँग बोल्न पाइएको थिएन । शिविरमा रहेका एक सय २० जनामध्ये काँग्रेस प्रजातान्त्रिकका नेता मनमोहन भट्टराई र श्रेष्ठ टेलरिङका बीके श्रेष्ठ पनि थिए । भट्टराई नेता मात्र नभई एकजना कुशल राजनीतिक चिन्तक पनि हुन् । बोल्न पाएकै दिन उनले भनी हाले, प्रचण्ड र राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रलाई यहाँ ल्याएर ध्यान गराउने हो भने देश उँभो लाग्थ्यो कि। निहित स्वार्थका लागि आपसी झगडामा अल्झिएका आठ दलीय गठबन्धनका प्रमुख नेताहरुलाई ध्यान शिविरमा ल्याउनु पर्ने सुझाव सँगै रहेका अर्का एकजना लेक्चररले अघि सारे ।
दश दिनसम्म मौन बसेको र ध्यानको प्रभावले केही प्रतिक्रिया दिन सक्ने अवस्थामा थिइनँ । सुनिरहेँ । राजा वीरेन्द्र ध्यान गर्न विपश्यना आउने कुरा थियो रे । त्यसका लागि राजाका निकटस्थ व्यक्ति विश्वबन्धु थापाले सबै व्यवस्था पूरा गरेका थिए रे । बीचैमा नारायणहिटी हत्याकाण्ड भइहाल्यो। अनि वीरेन्द्रको विपश्यना जाने सपना यो जुनीमा अधुरै। थापा भने अझै पनि समय- समयमा विपश्यना जान्छन् ।
पूर्व प्रधानमन्त्री लोकेन्द्रबहादुर चन्द पनि विपश्वी हुन् । माओवादीको तर्फाट व्यवस्थापिका ससदमा मनोनित दुई सांसदहरु हरि रोका र भिक्षु आनन्द पनि विपश्वी हुन् । तर, राजनीतिक विचारक रोका भने पछिल्लो समयमा विपश्यना जान छाडेको सुनेको छु ।
एउटै आसनमा बसेर घण्टौँ ध्यान गर्नु निकै गाह्रो काम हो । केही मान्छेहरु त भाग्ने पनि रहेछन् । हामी गएको समयमा ३ जना भागे । के थाहा, प्रचण्ड र ज्ञानेन्द्रमध्ये यहाँ आउँदा कोही भाग्ने पो हुन् कि !
भाग्नेहरुले कहिलै दोहोर्याएर ध्यानमा सहभागी हुन पाउने छैनन् । सुरुमा जति गाह्रो भए पनि फर्किने समयमा हरेक सहभागीले नयाँ जीवन पाएर फर्किन्छ । अन्तरमुखी भएर अलौकिक ज्ञान प्राप्त गर्छ । जीवन बाँच्ने कला सिकेर फर्किन्छ । विपश्यनाले जीवनदेखि भाग्न होइन, भोग्न सिकाउँछ। मैले पनि त्यस्तै अनुभव गरेँ। विपश्यनाका बारेमा थप जानकारीका लागि http://dhamma.org
कृष्ण जीले राम्रो सुजाव दिनुभयो। यदी तपाईंको सुजाव उहाहरु र उहाहरु जस्ता अरुले पनि ग्रहन गरेर विपश्यना ध्यानमा जाने हो भने हाम्रो राष्ट्र लाई जरुर केही फाईदा हुन्थियो। विपश्यनाको बारेमा राम्ररी बुज्नु ठीक छ तर ध्यान बसेर आएकाहरुले भनेको भरमा, उनिहरुको आफ्नो अनुभुती सुनेर, तेस्तै अनुभुतीको आशमा चाँही ध्यानमा नजानु नै उपयुक्त होला किनकी त्यहाँ ध्यान गर्दा सबले एकै खालको अनुभव गर्छन् भन्ने छैन। कौतुहल्ता मेटाउन भने एकचोटी आँफै द्रिध सँकल्प गरेर ध्यान केन्द्र जानु बेश होला।
Its my dream too !
Once i would like to go there . I know i will do .
In future . Necearry . and it will be great .
Vipassana is good for every human beings.
May All Beings Be Happy!!
Vipasana is really a wonderful experiece in my life.I am really happy to be a Vipasana Meditator.It really change my life.In my opinion Everyone should do Vipasana in there life.It really works.My life is totally change because of Vipasana but once should have to continue there meditation otherwise it will not work.Practice is the secreat of Vipasana.
विपश्यनाको मज्जा भनेको अधिष्ठान हो । अधिष्ठान भन्नाले दृढ निष्चय भद्दने बुझिन्छ । यो विपश्ना साधानाको अभिन्न रुप हो । अधिष्ठान सफलरुपमा गर्दै अघि बढेमा यसले मनलाइ अविचिलत बनाउछ र जीवनको कठिनाइ सँग लडन मद्दत गर्दछ । र अन्तत अध्यात्िमक क्षेत्रमा समेत ठुलो फडको मार्न सहयोग पुर्याउदछ ।
The main exciting feature of Vippassana is the “ADHISTAN”. Adhistan means strong determination. It is a central part of Vipassana. When student(Meditator/Disciple)go forward successfully completing Adhistan, his mind becomes stronger, which helps to fight with life difficulties in turn. Ultimately, it helps to big jumps in spiritual area.
Really i also heard about Vipssana but could not get a golden opportunity to be there. But there is a deep craving in me to be there once hoping that i could learn the real lesson of this valuable life.
I really appreciate this blog brought by Mr. Krishna Dhungana – the person whom i know personally. And also congratulate him by heart for gaining such a great experience which really brought a drastic change in his valuable life.
Shailendra Kumar Chapagain
yes i totally agree with u. Vipassana is great for everyone not only for Prachanda n Gayenendra. It’s lifetime experience.
Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu
** Let all living beings live in Peace and Harmony **
Krishna Dhunganaji,
Going to Bipasana is good for all. I also usually do it. Then why are you pointing out Prachanda together with Gyane? Immediately after the action taken by YCL to Sita Ram, you are pointing out to Prachanda. That’s why I am 100% sure that you are supporting to Sita Ram and Girija. Otherwise, it is not a good time to write this kind of article pointing to Prachanda. If you had good intention you could say to all political leaders sothat it would be more digestible. Otherwise, it is just your intention for supporting to corrupted people. People easily know that you are also a member of ‘MATRIBHUMI BALATKARI GROUP”. Dhikkar Chha!
I have also attended 10 days of Vipasana in Shivapuri. We all first should understand that our mind was pure and free when born. It is our social contract which made us so chaotic. Yes, vipasana will help to understand ourselves but we must understand that there are many prople who may want to “robotise” your brain by unexplained method. It may be doubt only. In order to make ourselves free from all suspicions and be truely humane, pure and scientific minded, it will surely help. We need preserverance thats why one must be consistent to our right actions, right thoughts , right speech and right understandings. We, the people of the land of great Buddha, we have tremendous resource in architecture, management, governance, community development, overall peace and harmony if we can really grasp the essence of what Buddhism has given. It all depends on action , not on words. In this sense, Vipasana will help all our leaders, executives, managers, teachers, lawyers, doctors encluding all professionals and common people who can manage time to go to vipasana and try to develop introspection by deep meditation .
Krishana Dhungana ji,
You are coming with excellent topic in this blog. Many thanks.
Let me write few words on Vipasana. Vipasana is excellent type of meditation that is widely practiced by Gautam Budhha. It is excellent method developped by Gautam Buddha for himself and for others to be religious, man of peace, man of compassion. Without experiance of meditation man can not be peaceful and compassionate. Only meditation makes you comapassionate. It is practical lesson. Only theoratically man can not be a peaceful. We need practicle lesson. In this sense, your recommendation of Vipsana for Gyanendra and Prachand is praiseworthy.
Nature is moving and changing moment by moment
Vipasana teaches us to be watchful with breathing. We inhale in breath and we exhale breath out. It is simple. It leads us to the vast cosmology so-called Bramhanda. It awakes you are part of this vast of Bramhanda. I wrote here we inhale breath in and we exhale breath out. Actually it is not proper expession. We just watch at breath coming and going. This breath never stops keeps coming and going. It is motion. You will discover the motion inside our body. Once you are able to see motion of breath you find same principle of motion everywhere. This universe is moving moment by moment. It does not know to stop. Whole nature and existence is moving.
We are part of universe
This breath is part of this universe. This breath is part of this vast existence. If it stops we die. But this breath is there but this subsistence is lying beyond our control. Meditation awakes us with this existence of atmospher. In ordinary day we are aware of small things like hunger, illness, political distrubances, Hadtal, pricehike of daily consumption goods,blackout etc. We are not aware with this vast universe. Meditation makes us awared with the universe. It makes you big and vast and those problems around you are small. It make you light.
All creature are one
We all are sharing same oxygen. Slowly slowly it makes us awared that same oxygen we exhale some others inhale at the same time. To understand this example, we can put here way of caching common cold from others. When we have someone together suffering from common cold, it is easy to catch that common cold from him or her. Just because,what he or she exhales when we come to inhale same oxygen we come to catch common cold. But it give us big message to understand the rule of cosmology. It makes us to understand we all creatures are bound by one. It gives feeling of solidarity of all living creatures. It make you free to feel others as otherness. It is what compassion and peace.
गिरिजालाई नि बिन्ती छ उतै लैजाउँ न ल?
शिर्षक मिलेन। प्रचण्डलाई विपश्यना र ज्ञानेन्द्रलाई नर्क जान सुझाव हुनुपर्थ्यो।
मेरो संसारमा अण्टसण्ट कमेण्ट लेखेर यस ब्लगलाइ कुरुप बनाउनेहरुलाइ पनि बिपश्यना पठाउन जरुरी छ ।
There are many beautiful treasures in our Dharmic culture, which have got so much popularity in the West, whereas we do not seem to care much about when they are abundantly available almost for free.
Nepal is the birthplace of Lord Buddha, the holy land of Shiva and Parvati, there are unimaginable temples of gods and goddesses in and around the valley and many places of our country. We have almost forgotten them. We love the Western pop music and we are opening discos in our neighborhoods; the discos which the western countries themselves are throwing away as discarded junk.
The Vipasanaa is a great experience. It is a practice of finding peace within ourselves, through silence and control of emotions. Our Dharmic culture has its soul and spirit in the meditative practices. Lord Shiva is always in the deep meditative posture, with his closed eyes and peaceful face.
Violence is the culture of our land. Peace is. We Nepalese love peace. there is no glory in war. There is nothing to be proud of being cruel and causing pain to others.
Gyanendra can never understand it, because he is a crooked monster. The palace has never established such culture. The children of the palace are brought up with the glory of violence, inflicting pain to others and lust for power.
TRhere is a chance that Prachand and the Maoists may understand it. I wish Prachand and Maoists understood it now. The sooner the better.
Om Nama Shivaya
Buddham Sharanam Gachchaami
Vipasana is not an Indian/Hindu Meditation technique, it is developed/invented by Gautam Buddha.
Yes, Vipasana is beneficial to all the human being. I just returned from 10-day Vipasana, and I agree that political leaders can learn a lot from this meditation. Thank you for bringing this up at this blog.
The Lord Buddha gave this invaluabel technique for free. I encourage everyone to give the gift of Dharma to yourself. I gurantee you will be so happy and enlightened. Thanks to Goenkaji for making this technique available for all. This is a free meditation, and donation is based on your volition.