काठमाडौँ विमानस्थल/जुन २६, मध्यान्ह १२ बजे
अबको केही घण्टापछि नै म नेपालको भूमिलाई छाड्दैछु। आज म आफ्नो पहिलो विदेश यात्राको क्रममा कोरिया जाँदैछु। दिउँसो १ बजेर ५० मिनेटमा थाइ एअरवेयजको विमानले मलाई साँझ ६ बजेर २० मिनेटमा बैंकक पुर्याउँदैछ। त्यसपछि पाँच घण्टा त्यहाँको ट्रान्जिटमा बसेपछि भोलि बिहान ७ बजे बल्ल दक्षिण कोरिया पुग्नेछु।
नागरिक पत्रकारितासम्बन्धी एउटा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्मेलनमा भाग लिन म त्यता जान लागेको हुँ। चार दिनको यात्रापछि म काठमाडौँ फर्कनेछु।
त्यसो त पोहोर पनि यही सम्मेलनमा भाग लिने निम्तो पाइएको थियो। तर दूतावासले भिसा नदिएका कारण रोकिएको थियो। यसपटक भने अन्ततः मैले भिसा पाएँ।
अोहमाइन्युजको आयोजनामा हुने यो सम्मेलनमा नागरिक पत्रकारिताका विश्वभरका दिग्गजहरुले भाग लिँदैछन्। म पनि नेपालको तर्फबाट केही प्रिजेन्टेसन गर्न जाँदैछु। नागरिक पत्रकारिता सम्बन्धी छलफल र नयाँ विचारका आदानप्रदानले मेरो संसारको भावी रणनीतिमा पनि धेरै फाइदा पुर्याउँछ भन्ने लागेको छ।
कोरिया बसाइका क्रममा त्यहाँ बसिरहेका नेपालीहरुसित पनि भेटने मेरो विचारलाई त्यहाँका दुई साथीहरुले सहषोग गर्ने वचन दिएका छन्। सोन्सिकका सभापति प्रमोदजीसँग पनि मेरो सम्पर्क भएको छ। तर भेट्ने कार्यक्रम भने त्यहीँ गएपछि मात्रै बन्नेछ।
भ्रमणका बारेमा सकेसम्म म अपडेट गर्ने प्रयास गर्नेछु। इन्टरनेटको सुविधा पाएँ भने नेपालका खबरहरु पनि अपडेट गर्नेछु।
पहिलो पटकको विदेश यात्रा भएकोले अलि असहज जस्तो महसूस भइरहेको छ।अलि रोमाञ्च पनि छ।
हिजो गुगल अर्थ र विकिम्यापिया हेर्दै आफू बस्ने होटल प्रेसिडेन्ट पनि पहिल्याएँ। प्रविधिको विकासले कति सजिलो बनाइदिएको छ।
आजलाई हतारमा लेखेको यति नै। बाँकी अर्को अपडेटमा।
भिडियो हेर्नुस्-
उमेश जि हजुर बिदेशत जान लाग्नु भएछ,खुशी लाग्यो,र दु:ख पनि लाग्छ कि हजुरले कतै आफ्नु प्यारो देश नेपाललाई माया न मार्नु ल
okay umesh G happy journy
लल उमेश् जि मजाले पहिलो भ्रमन् को आनन्द लिनुहोस र आफ्नो काम पनि राम्रो सन्ग गर्नुहोस्.Happy journy too.
Even though you are in Intenational Program, you gonna have some language problem here
Rest will be great
good luck! and have a safe journey
मैले त अस्तिनै वेल कम गरेको हु ल फेरि पनि वेलकम छ है उमेश जि।
Sounds Very good . La Badhai6 Umesha jee.
उमेश जी कोरिया मा त कुकुर को मासु पनि खान्छन तपाईं ले पनि खानु भजो भने त कुन्ता को तपाईं को बुद्धी झन अझ कस्तो होला बुज्ने लाई श्रिखन्द नबुज्नेलाई बन्चरो को बिड
Lila wrote a good piece of advice that applies to all Nepalis traveling abroad.
Here are some additions:
— don’t take things negatively. Try to be positive.
— someone does not talk to you or does not give you attention does not mean he is resist or cares only goro chhala.
— No tips required in Korea.
— Soup khada / piuda, don’t lift the Kachoura, that is where Japanese and Koreans differ. That is offensive in Korea, and in Japan that is one of the must do thing.
— don’t praise Japan. Praise only Koreans.
— don’t talk politics too much.
— don’t criticize your country. So some patriotism.
— don’t rush to lunch.
— don’t leave conference and wait only for lunch or dinner, and then again get lost.
— don’t try to pose that I don’t have money, can you give discount on registration fee. It won’t work. I remember how hard time I had when an South Asian Participant tried to pursuade me to waive the registration fee when he was given registration fee by his sponsor back in his country.
— shopping: don’t buy as soon as you see something interesting. Wait and watch. Except in department stores, in Korea too enjoy bargain. You can start as low as 10% of the asked price.
— in Seoul and Pusan, you can go in Night, and find guys selling items good for present back in Nepal, but you have to enjoy bargain. Sometime, even 10% can result you an offer, and you might end up paying higher price.
— buy one day subway / bus pass. So that you can ride as much as you wish.
— Enjoy shopping at Lotte Tower. Go to almost top floor, where you can find bazaar, and very good discounts usually off-season items. Extremely cheap.
— if moving to Pusan or vice versa, save your hotel charge by using night train. Excellent train they have. A Korean around me here says that they a brand new train system that connects Pusan and Soeul.
— Use one or two pass based tourist buses. Ask your hotel manager to arrange for you. They come to pick you up at the hotel, and sometime the tickets are discounted if you buy at hotel counter. Don’t miss soeul and pusan both. they are excellent places to visit. In Busan, I was the only one in the tourist coach for whole day. But, in Seoul it was crowded.
— Enjoy night life (night does not Red light street, but night hours). It is wonderful. It is one of the safest country in the world. Don’t worry about security. Just be nice.
Bon Voyage.
I want to spend more time in Korea.
have a nice journey
Best of Luck !
good luck . hope to get nice news of korea
शुभ यात्रा !!!!!!
अनि बधाई पनि|
Have a nice journy Umesh !
My hats off ! to Lila from Thailand, good timing good suggestion.
Umesh Ji always keep Lila’s idea in your mind.
aba firera ae pachi korean lai kutu jasto huncha, ho ki hoina bhannus hai,
Wish u best for ur jorney…
Seoul represents one of the modern cities of the world with ultra modern infrastructure. So, you can feel like that you have already visited, tokyo, shanghai, Hongkong,chicago, Atlanta etc etc..
Its great for you to visit Seoul..
Good luck
la subha yatara
farkada hamilai mithai liyera aauna nabhulnu la
Have a nice time in Korea.
Umesh Ji, Yatra ko Dherai Dherai Subhakamana cha tapain lai. Utako News haru update garnuhola. Hami tyesko pratikshya ma chhau.
have a great journey. enjoy it.
Wish you happy journey !!!
Umesh Jee; Have a wonderful trip and nice stay in Korea.
At first a very warm welcome to Republic of Korea. Best wishes for your presentation in the conference. Hope that you will well represent the Citizen Journalism of Nepal. I think it will be one of the best opportunity for you to learn about the different aspect of Citizen Journalism. If you have time please don’t forget to visit DMZ, War Memorial Musium and so on. Enjoy your trip to Korea.
Everest K.C from Korea
Good Luck!!
congratulation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nepali ko badnaam hune kunai kaam nagari sakushal farkinu hola yehi chha shubhakamana !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!rose
Congratulations and have very nice and fruitful journey.
शुभ-यात्रा ल
bholi bhetaula,01072521020 ma contact garnu hola, korea majale ghumaula
see U
Very GOOd So We Time to TIme
शुभकामना-शुभयात्रा ।
-अरुण पराजुली
La Congratulation, I do pray for your journey and successful visit to Korea.
I wish you very very successful trip.
Good luck
la best of luck. Nepali neta le bidesh ma pugna sath night club kaha chha bhanera khojna suru garejasto trip pakkai na hola. Ek patak auta minister europe ko tour ma donor sanga deal gardai thiyo tar bich bich ma dobhase lai ‘hoina bhai aaj jasari pani night club lanu hai’ bhandai thiye. Testo leader le ke deal garyo hola.
good enjoy the jorney and update quickely as far as possible
Have a nice journy gentleman.
ok umesh jee have a good luck . pahile bides yatra raichha …have a great joureny
Hello dai
welcome to korea
Do not forget visiting us in daegu.
Devendra and all the nepali students of Yeungnam University
Welcome to South Korea..
Hope you will enjoy your fourdays!!!
have a good journey !! badhi cha
Have a very happy trip to Korea. Please bring as many learnings as you can for Nepal and share it.
Umesh Jee
Welcome to Korea.
I am eagerly waiting to meet you.
Dhaneshwar Mishra
South Korea
Umesh ji,
Wish you all the best. Wish you have pleasent trip. Please don’t get lost in Korea like most of singers, Nepalies get lots in USA. We will be bored not having you here.
umesh ji tapai ko yatra hami pathak haru ko lagi pani phaladai rahos yatra ko subhakamana subhabhawana bye
Dear UMESH Bhai,
Only after seeing few foreign countries you will know your country!
This is your first time abroad, here are some DOs and DON’Ts at free of cost:
– do not forget to wait in a queue for your turn anywhere at the airport, shopping counter etc….
– do not talk offensive to others
– try to speak slowly, clearly and politely – people in Korea, Japan, Thailand speak slowly
– try not to rush
– do not joke unless you are sure they understand what you want to say
– keep always in mind that your small mistake/negligence affects the image of Nepal and Nepalese
– Try not to save few dollors by showing poverty of the country
These are from my experience that most of our country fellow need to keep in mind.
Have a good journey!
Good luck and have a very pleasant and fruitful journey, Umeshjee.
have a nice voyage for korea.
Both Congratulation and Good Luck !
Best wishes for your journey. I think you have learnt about citizen journlism there so that we have also be updated here. That’s a good symbol of Citizen Journalism too.
Congrachulation Frn.
Wish you have a nice trip and good luck for your success.
wish you have a nice journey. Try to achieve your goal. Internet ko duniya bhitra chhirisakeko manchhe; physically tour ma differences hamilai share garna nabhulnu. net ko madhyam bata wish garna paaune pahilo byakti huna payeko ma khusi lagi rahechha. I love to read your blok as a vertual news paper.
Once again, wish you good luck.
Best of Luck.
Pls, continue updating from There also.
It is better to update information and photographs rather than the video blog.
Don’t forget to bring new information, technology and ideas about civic journalism from Korea.
Binod Dhaulagiri
Happy journey!
Nepal ko Ramro representation garnuhos. Nepal ko Izzat rakhna saknuhos.
Ali fair journalism garna pani sikera aaunuhuhos.
Hope. tapai fark pachhi swatantra bichar rakhnu hune chha ( ahie ali kati purba grahi (biosness) garnu hun chha)
All the best.
Congratulations, enjoy your trip to Korea.
बधाई छ उमेशलाई पहिलो बिदेश यात्रा गर्न लागेकोमा । शुभयात्रा ।।।
Many congratulations Umesh Jee. I hope that you will make us feel proud. Do your best presentation there and make our recognition more wider.
Have a very nice and wonderful journey. Keep on updating your every wonderful movements. Best of Luck.
happy journey……….
Hi Umesh ji
Congrartulations and have a nice trip.
** Wish you all the best and a successful journey **
As such you have been a successful journalist, I hope you will represent Nepal in a professional way and your seminar will become successful.
welcome to korea!
have a fun with sweet Kimchi!!!!!!
South Korea
Welcome to korea!
South Korea
उमेश दाजु
शुभ यात्रा–शुभ समय.
Best of luck.
Do update your blog from korea also.
ok umesh
best of luck
good ojurney umesh ji
see u from sauth korea
ल बधाइ छ साथि। गएर आफ्ना अनुभव सेयर गर्नुहुनेछ भन्ने आशा गरेको छु।
उमेस् जि
धेरै धेरै बधई छ !
Badhai chha Umesh Ji lai.. “BON VOYAGE”
happy journey
La La enjoy garnus……….
I think u will enjoy alot as it is yr first visit to foreign country……..