साहित्यकार धुस्वाँ सायमि रहेनन्

बरिष्ठ साहित्यकार धुस्वाँ सायमी (गोविन्दबहादुर मानन्धर)को ७९ वर्षको उमेरमा आज बिहान निधन भएको छ। बिहान पौने नौ बजे खाना खान लाग्दा हृदयाघात भएपछि शिक्षण अस्पताल महाराजगन्ज लैजाँदै गर्दा बाटैमा सायमीको निधन भएको थियो। राजा वीरेन्द्रलाई उनले सुनाएको

“ए मेरो राजा,

तिम्रो चारैतिर दासैदास मात्र छन्,

लासैलास मात्र छन्,

के तिम्रो यतिमात्र इच्छा हो,

यी दासहरूको राजा बनिरहने,

यी लासहरूको राजा बनिरहने” कविताले त्यतिबेला दरबारमा सनसनी मच्चाएको थियो ।

उनका तीन दर्जन साहित्यिक कृति प्रकाशित छन् । नेपाली, अंग्रेजी, हिन्दी र नेपाल भाषामा उनका कृतिहरु प्रकाशित छन् । सायमीको गंकी नामक उपन्यास बढी चर्चित रहेको छ। नेपाल भाषामा लेखिएको यो उपन्यास विभिन्न आठ वटा भाषामा प्रकाशित भएको थियो । गंकीसँगै गोमा, वैशाख २०६३ उहाँका अन्य कृतिहरु हुन् । सायमीका करीब २० हजार कविताहरु रहेका छन् । सायमीलाई नेपाल भाषाका उपन्यासका सम्राटका रुपमा चिनिन्थ्यो । नेपाल भाषामा उपन्यास लेख्ने उनी नै प्रथम थिए । केही वर्षअघि उनले ‘गंकी बसुन्धरा प्रतिष्ठान’ स्थापना गरेका थिए। प्रतिष्ठानले हरेक वर्षआख्यान लेखकलाई सम्मान गर्दै आएको छ । सायमीका पत्नी, चार छोरा र एक छोरी छन् । उनको भोलि अन्तिम संस्कार गरिनेछ।

नेपाली साहित्यमा पहिलोपटक नेपालभाषाको उपन्यास ‘मिसा’ (नारी) मार्फत् अस्तित्ववाद भित्र्याउने श्रेय उनलाई नै जान्छ ।

भारतकी प्रसिद्ध लेखिका अमृता प्रीतमले सायमीलाई नायक बनाएर ‘अदालत ‘शीर्षक उपन्याससमेत लेखेकी थिइन् ।

आफूलाई धुलोको फूलको रूपमा चिनाउन चाहने गोविन्दबहादुर मानन्धरले साहित्यमा आफूलाई धुस्वाँ सायमी भनी उपनाम दिएका थिए।

गङ्की वसुन्धरा प्रतिष्ठानका संस्थापक सायमीले दानमाया- प्रतिभा, दीपा- जनमत र धुस्वां सायमी सिर्जनशील पुरस्कार पनि स्थापना गर्नु भएको थियो । उनले लामो समयसम्म प्राध्यापन तथा भारतमा नेपालको सांस्कृतिक सहचारी भई काम गरेका थिए।

उनी तत्कालीन नेपाल राजकीय प्रज्ञाप्रतिष्ठानका प्राज्ञपरिषद् सदस्य पनि थिए ।

उनकै एउटा कविताका साथ चीर शान्तिको कामना

धुस्वाँ सायमि

कस्तो संघर्ष हो यो हाम्रो
जहाँ जीत पनि
शंकाको सुविधामा मुर्झाउँछ ।

सम्झौता भएर पनि
कहलिन्न सम्झौता यो
सम्झौता नै होइन यो
केही भन्न पनि सकिँदैन ।

लाग्नथाल्छ हाम्रो संघर्ष
सम्पुर्ण केबल एक सुविधा हो
आफैँलाई एउटा सुरक्षा दिन ।

लक्ष्य नै
नभएर पनि अन्त्यहीन/अर्थहीन
विरोधाभाषले भरिपुर्ण
एउटा अधुरो स्वीकृति
भइदिन्छ/बनिदिन्छ ।


  1. Govinddai (Dhuswan sayami) was a great writer of his time. He rise to the post of the Member of the then Royal Nepal Academy even in the Panchayat days only because of his undias pen and his writtings.
    I pray to almighty God to give eternal peace to his soul.

  2. Dhuswan was lonely during his last days.Though his adapted daughter Sunita Lama tried to make up his life as much as possible, he felt academically so lonely. I was one of his academic friend during his last days though we looked like grandfather-grandson. We used to share books. He was a good reader, too. He ordered apne apne ajnabi, from New Delhi, a much more praised Indian novel by Agyeya when I was in search of it. I had chance to have read many rare books by Dhoomil, Uday Prakash and so on. Yes I also provided him poems by Langston Hughes, Nazim Hikmat, Brecht, Whitman. When he was touched by Langston, he ordered all the collected poems by him.
    Nepali writers should learn reading culture from him. Now he is no more. Everything except his works is no more.

  3. Dear,Deepak dai,Dr.Prakash dai,Dr.Arun dai,Mr.Anil,Miss.Mila and all family members;
    My deep condolence to u all on demise of your beloved father Mr.G.B.Manandhar[Dhoo-Swan-Sayami].May God give peace to our elder brother.
    Binay Manandhar from Dhaka,Bangladesh.[19-12-2007]

  4. Dear,Deepak dai,Dr.Prakash dai,Dr.Arun dai,Mr.Anil,Miss.Mila and all family members;
    My deep condolence to u all on demise of your beloved father Mr.G.B.Manandhar[Dhoo-Swan-Sayami].May God give peace to our elder brother.
    Binay Manandhar from Dhaka,Bangladesh.[19-12-2007]

  5. actually we have lost a great pen of our country.

    Iwant to express my deep heartfelt condolence to his famiy.

  6. Heartfelt condolences to Dr. Arun and his family. We lost a great writer of the era. May his soul rest in peace.

  7. *** A salute to Dhuswa Sayemi ***

    A Poet and a creative writer who brought his remarkable works in multiple languages and who is the pioneer in Nepal Bhasha novel writing is indeed an extraordinary patriot Nepali.

    I wish peace and harmony for the departed soul and condolences to his family.

  8. I’m feeling very upset by this sad news, may God give piece for my departed uncle’s(mama) soul and my heartfelt condolence to my brothers, sister & family.

    Punam from MD

  9. Dear Dr.Prakash, Dr. Geeta, Dr. Arun Sayami and family,

    Our heartfelt condolence on demise of your father “Dhuswan”. May the soul rest in peace.

    Dr. Suvarna Pradhan, Mrs. Usha Kiran Pradhan and Family
    South Africa

  10. I was sad to read this news. Sayamijyu was a great writer and a fine human being. This is a great loss to Nepal, and to all of us.

  11. What a sad News. I have no word to express on this. Anyway, his works are alive and we can live with them as before with him.

  12. Dear Dr Arun and Dr Praksh and Family

    Our heartfelt condolence to you and your family for sad demise of your beloved father. We lost great poet and novelist of the country.

    Rekha shrestha and Bharat shrestha Plymouth U.K

    Dear Doctor Sab,
    We are very much sorry that we will not be able to come to Kathmandu to express our condolences.Hope that Pradeep Dai will be there. Please forgive us for excuse.

    Very very sad news for me and my family.Heartfelt condolences on the extermely, untimely sad demise of your father, a Great poet, novelist, a father, a grand father, moreover a wise citizen of Nepal” Dhuswa SAYAMI’ Govinda B Mananadhar. Words fail to express the deep sense of shock and grief which we experienced on reading the tragic news of his death. The nation has lost the true son of its soil. Our deepest sympathy and condolences to Doctor Sab and your familmy members. At this time I recall my encopunter with Sayami Sab in number of occassion.

  14. It’s very sad news for us, may God give piece for my departed uncle’s soul and my heartfelt condolence to the family.

    Pshrestha from USA.

  15. I am feeling very sad in the demise of our best novel writer Dhuswa Sayami. My heartfelt condolences goes to his family members.

    Neru Giri
    West Chester

  16. दिवंगत आत्माको चिर शान्तिको कामना गर्दै हार्दिक श्रदांजली व्यक्त गर्दछु ।

  17. We must learn from people like him.
    Here is the lesson.
    “A son and his father were walking on the mountains.
    Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams: “AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!”
    To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain: “AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!”
    Curious, he yells: “Who are you?”
    He receives the answer: “Who are you?”
    And then he screams to the mountain: “I admire you!”
    The voice answers: “I admire you!”
    Angered at the response, he screams: “Coward!”
    He receives the answer: “Coward!”
    He looks to his father and asks: “What’s going on?”
    The father smiles and says: “My son, pay attention.”
    Again the man screams: “You are a champion!”
    The voice answers: “You are a champion!”
    The boy is surprised, but does not understand.
    Then the father explains: “People call this ECHO, but really this is LIFE.
    It gives you back everything you say or do.
    Our life is simply a reflection of our actions.
    If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart.
    If you want more competence in your team, improve your competence.
    This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life;
    Life will give you back everything you have given to it.”


    Prakash Poudyal Edmonton Canada

  18. surya jee ra adminstrator hajur,
    paras bro ko dherai u garera u garne bani thiyo , ra ajhai chha pani, sayed tyahi dherai u garera bhabi jyu lai pani u banai dinu bhayo ki paras bro le , himani jyu lai ,
    tara barista sahityakar ko nidhan bhayechha, uha ko aatma le shanti paos…… manoj

  19. Mrita Aatma ko chira santi ko lagi kamana gardai sok santapta pariwar prati hardik samabedana prakat garna chahanchhu.

  20. नेपाली साहित्य आकास को एउटा उज्जवल तारा हामिहरू को माझ बाट बिदा लिएर गयेको यो बिपत को घड़ी मा उहाको आत्मा को चिर शान्ति को कaमाना को साथै शोक संतप्त परिबार जन मा परमेश्वर ले धैर्य धारण गर्ने सकती प्रदान गरून भन्दै परिबारजन प्रति समबेदाना अर्पण गर्दाच्हू/

  21. पेट हैन, टाउको चाहिँ दुखेको हो

    युवराज्ञी अस्वस्थ

    काठमाडांै, २ पुस । युवराज्ञी हिमानीलाई आज अन्तरराष्ट्रिय सम्मेलन केन्द्रमा रुपिज इन्टरनेसनलको कार्यक्रममा सम्मिलित भई फर्किंदा बीच बाटैमा माइग्रेनका कारण धेरै टाउको दुख्नुका साथै सास फर्ेन गाह्रो महसुस भयो ।

    युवराज्ञीलाई चावहिलस्थित मेडिकेयर अस्पतालमा परीक्षण र उपचार गराउँदा केही समस्या नदेखिएको बताइएको छ ।

    हाल युवराज्ञीको स्वास्थ्य सन्तोषजनक रहेको राजदरबारले जनाएको छ । रासस

  22. धुस्वाँ सायमि रहेनन्
    पारस ब्रोकी बूढी हिमानी भाउजु पनि आज पेट दुखेर अकस्मात बिरामी परेर चाबहिलको मेडिकेयर नर्सिङ होमको आईसीयुमा छ रे
    के भाको हो यस्तो 🙁

  23. चिर आत्मा को शान्ती को कामना गर्दै,हार्दिक श्रदन्जाली अर्पण गर्द छु,
    Though i dint get a chance to read your literature.

  24. चीर शान्ति को कामना गर्दै हार्दिक श्रदान्जली

  25. Ma waha ko dherai nai samman garchhu ra garirahanechhu. wahako chirshanti ko lagi prathrathana garchhu. nepal ka amar sahityakar dhuswa sayami lai hardik sradhanjali chha.

  26. Heartly condolence to my favourite Novelist Dhuswa Shayami. I have read the ” GANKEY” . I pray for the piece of his mortal soul.

  27. It is very sad news for those who is concernd with Nepali literature. May God give peace to departed soul and my condolence to the family he left behind

  28. दुखद समाचार
    नेपाल र नेपालीले एउटा साहित्यिक तारा अनी शिक्षित व्यक्तित्व गुमाएको छ
    हार्दिक श्रदांजलि चिर आत्त्माले शान्ति पाओस!
    उहाको परिवारलाइ धैर्य धारण गर्ने शक्ति प्राप्त होस
    -बिनोद तिमिल्सिना,धरान-16

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