नयाँ वर्ष २००९ को सौगात

-ब्यास, अमेरिकाबाट

मेरो संसारका पाठकहरूका लागि सौगात ल्याएको छुँ । सौगात पनि कस्तो भने दिनेलार्इ पनि पैसा नपर्ने लिनेलार्इ नी पैसा नपर्ने (लिनेलार्इ पैसा परे कसले पो लेला ?)। फेरि यो आर्थिक मंदीमा कसले पैसा खर्चोस् । अमेरिकाले आफूसंगै सबै देशहरूलार्इ ओरालो लगार्इ हाल्यो । खै, ओबामा अंकलले केहि गर्ला कि? अँ त, सौगातको कुरा गर्दै थिएँ । सौगात चाहिँ दुर्इवटा छ । पहिलो फ्री सफ्टवेर, दोश्रो फ्री वेब साइट । हुन त वेब साइट प्रायः फ्री नै हुन्छ । यदि तपार्इँ धेरै समय कम्प्युटरको अगाडि बस्नु हुन्छ भने यो सौगात तपार्इलार्इ पक्कै मन पर्नेछ । यो मैले यता उताबाट बटुल बाटुल पारेकोहुँ । शायद यसमा तपार्इँलार्इ थाहा भएको र नयाँ दुबै जानकारी छ होला भन्ने मैले आशा राखेको छुँ । शुरू गरौ, निशुल्क सफ्टवेरबाटः

फायर फक्सः
यदि तपार्इँ इन्टरनेट एक्सप्लोरर भन्दा छिटो, छरितो र भरपर्दो ब्राउसर चाहनु हुन्छ भने Fire Fox (Mozilla.org) नै सर्वोत्तम ब्राउजिंग सफ्टवेर हो । साथै, यदि तपार्इँले Fire Fox प्रयोग गर्नुभयो भने विल गेट्सलार्इ थप धनी हुनबाट रोक्न सक्नु हुनेछ ()।

ओपन अफिसः

अब न्यूरोडबाट पैसा तिरेर नक्कली सफ्टवेर किन्ने जमाना गयो । नक्कली सफ्टवेर कपि गरेर चलाउनु पनि आवश्यक छैन । गैरकानुनी काम त्याग्नुस् र सक्कली OpenOffice (openoffice.org) चलाउनुस् त्यो पनि सित्तैमा । यो एमएस अफिससंग मिल्दोजुल्दो छ र एमएस अफिसको फर्म्याटमा सेभ गर्न सकिन्छ । हैन विल गेटस् लार्इ पैसा नख्वाउने निधो नै गर्नु भयो कि कसो ?

एभीजी एन्टिभार्इरसः
आफ्नो कम्प्यूटर भार्इरसबाट बचाउन AVG Antivirus (free.avg.com) प्रयोग गर्नुस् । यसको खुबी भनेको यसले इमेल पनि स्क्यान गर्छ । यसको सशुल्क र निशुल्क भर्शनमा धेरै भिन्नता छैन । ब्यक्तिगत उपयोगको लागि यो राम्रो सफ्टवेर हो ।

मोजी ब्याक्अपः
हार्ड ड्राइभ बिग्रेर दुःख पाउनु भएको छ? मलार्इ यसको नराम्रो अनुभव छ । म त सधै ब्याकअप राख्छु अनलार्इन र जगेडा हार्ड ड्राइभमा । आफ्नो फार्इल र फोल्डरहरू Mozy (mozy.com) मा अनलार्इन ब्याकअप गर्नुस् त्यो पनि सित्तैमा । यसले दुर्इ गीगाबाइट सम्म निशुल्क सेवा प्रदान गर्छ ।

पेन्ट डट नेटः
यसलार्इ फोटोशपको जुम्ल्याहा भार्इ भने केहि फरक पर्दैन । देख्नमा पनि उस्तै काम पनि उस्तै तर सित्तैमा । चित्र कोर्न होस् वा फोटो मिलाउन, Paint.net (getpaint.net) ले सब काम राम्रो गर्छ ।

मलार्इ मनपर्ने भिडियो सफ्टवेर चाहीँ रियल प्लेयर (http://www.real.com/) हो । भिडियो च्याट वा भ्वाइस च्याटका लागि भने मेरो रोजार्इ गुगल टक (http://www.google.com/talk/) भएकोछ । नेपालमा कुरा गर्ने यो उत्तम छ ।

अब लागौ राम्रा, उपयोगि र भरपर्दो वेबसाइट तिर । यी वेबसाइटहरू अब त दिन दिनै चाहिने सामग्री जस्तै भैसक्यो । हाम्रो जीवनको एक अभिन्न अंग जस्तै ।

    Imeem.com>> मनोरंजनको डबली हो यो । नेपाली, हिन्दी वा अँग्रेजी गीत संगीतको मनोरंजक थलो । साथमा नेपाली संगितका लागि chiyapasal.com, murchunga.com पनि राम्रो छ ।

    BhejaFry.net>> नेपाली रेडियो होस् वा नयाँ हिन्दी फिल्म, टिवी वा अन्य मनोरंजक सामग्री ।

    Aljazeera.net>> फरक समाचार होस् वा कार्टुन वा भिडियो क्लिप यो साइट फरकै छ । नत्र bbc.co.uk, newyorktimes.com हेर्नुस् विदेशी समाचारका लागि ।

    5min.com>> तपार्इँले हेर्ने गर्नु भएको youtube.com को भार्इ हो यो । खाना, संगीत, फेशन वा अन्य जीवन उपयोगी भिडियो सामग्रीमा लागि राम्रो छ यो साइट ।

    Google Search (special features)>> यहाँ म गुगलको विशेष सुबिधाबारे सानो चर्चा गर्दैछुँ । गुगलको सर्च बक्समा तलका कुराहरू टाइप गर्नुस् , सर्चमा क्लीक गर्नुस् र विशेष जानकारी प्राप्त गर्नुस्

    – Weather Kathmandu>> यसले काठमाडौको मौसमको बारेमा जानकारी दिनेछ ।
    – Time Nepal>> यसले नेपालको वर्तमान समय बताउँछ ।
    – Kathmandu Map>> यसले काठमाडौको नक्सा देखाउँछ ।
    – 138 lbs in kg>> यसले =62.5957471 kg देखाउँछ ।
    – 30 F in Celsius>> यसले -1.11111111 Celsius देखाउँछ ।
    – 8 oz in Cups>> यसले =1 US Cup देखाउँछ ।
    – 1000 Euros in USD>> यसले =1404.5 US Dollars देखाउँछ ।
    – 20009>> यसले अमेरिकाको 20009 जीपकोडको नक्सा देखाउँछ ।
    – 11.11+12.22+13.33>> यसले =36.66 देखाउँछ ।
    – Sqrt 25>> यसले =5 देखाउँछ ।
    – 3*10+(sqrt(10)^3>> यसले =61.6227766 देखाउँछ ।
    – 12% of 100>> यसले =12 देखाउँछ ।
    – Cube root 27>> यसले =3 देखाउँछ ।
    – Cos(pi/2)>> यसले =0 देखाउँछ ।
    – 8 km + 5 miles>> यसले =16.04672 Kilometers देखाउँछ ।

देख्नु भयो त गुगलको कमाल । गुगल सर्चमा आफ्नो नाम राख्नुस् र थाहा पाउनुस् आफ्नो बारेमा आफै । कहिले काहिँ आफ्नो बारेमा नयाँ जानकारी पाउनु भयो भने आश्चर्य नमान्नु होला । आफूले जानेका यस्तै जानकारी कमेन्टमा राख्न नभुल्नु होला । नयाँ वर्ष २००९ सालको शुभकामना । अस्तु ।।


  1. Byas Dai
    If you type 2+2 in searce box of google. You will get 4
    try it. Tt is amazing!

    (What I was trying to say in my article is Google Search is a scientific calculator and more- Byas)

  2. oh krishan ji eso kehi khurak chha bhane lekhau na maile lekheko ta umesh ji le rakhdenu nai hunna yar
    shob singh (major) DENMARK

  3. This is all very good information and best present for new year .Happy new year you too.

    This is very good that you share to all friend what you know in your life.I dont have any new site beside you I used to surf the same that already come here.

    krishna Denmark.

  4. ल त व्यास जी।।। !!! धेरै राम्रो आर्टिकल लेखेर जानकारी दिनुभएकोमा धन्यवाद …….

    नुमान ।।।।।।।।।म नेपाली।।।।।।।

  5. ल त व्यास जी।।। !!! धेरै राम्रो आर्टिकल लेखेर जानकारी दिनुभएकोमा धन्यवाद …….

    राज ओझा, यू के

  6. 12% of 1000 kati? testo 12 matra dekhaune software chaiyena….120 dekhaunu paryo malai ta..

    (Thanks for the catch. It was typo. In Google, you will see the answer- 120.- Byas)

  7. नयाँ बसन्त को पालुवा ले सजियोस जीवन, प्रेम र खुशी ले भरियोस मन, सफलता को नयाँ बनोस काहानी नयाँ बर्ष ले ल्यवोस सबै को जिवन मा सुनौलो बिहानि COMMING SOON “HAPPY NEW YEAR”2009”
    thanks for information

  8. very good & nice people who are ready to share knowledge.i am really happy to find this kind of information thank you for all.
    i also want to say if want to know any new and free software u can click this site http://www.uptodown.com

    may someone and lots people know this sites this information for who don’t know this.hai ta

  9. Dudes,
    u guys forget to mention one important website
    http://www.mysansar.com 🙂

    Fot the people who wants to watch movie in any language of the world, Just visit http://www.ovguide.com (It is a site where you can find all the movies of your choices no matter Hollywood, Bollywood, and any other wood even adults)
    For internet browser you can even try safari browser its outlook is really nice and you can easily open all your favourite sites in single click.


  10. Vyasji and other friends,
    Thanks for the very usefull information regardnig internet world.Please keep on sharing your knowledge…
    Wish you,my sansar team and other frens A HAPPY & PROPEROUS NEW YEAR 2009.


  11. for antivirus use free avira ( google it)
    and for photo use irfanview.
    for downloading things use orbit downloader .

  12. Thanks for sharing the good stuff. However, I would like to suggest few things.

    Browser: Use GOOGLE chrome. http://www.google.com/chrome/index.html?hl=en&brand=CHMB&utm_campaign=en&utm_source=en-ha-na-us-sk&utm_medium=ha&utm_term=chrome
    Its way faster than firefox. I tested my internet connection speed using http://www.speedtest.net/ with both browsers. Chrome is significantly faster than firefox. If you are not concerned with security a lot and you don’t visit the crappy site, use chrome.

    Office Program: There is no alternative to Microsoft Office. Open office’s popularity has significantly decreased this year. The best alternative is to use some online product as thinkfree (http://www.thinkfree.com/) or google docs (https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=writely&passive=true&nui=1&continue=http%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2F&followup=http%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2F&ltmpl=homepage&rm=false).

    Antivirus: There is not one solution that will really keep you out of trouble. I recently had a Vundo virus and none of the antivirus software worked for me, so after searching for almost half a day there was one program that cleaned my computer. So, to protect yourself use AVG and some other anti spyware program like spybot search and destroy.

    Backup: Use http://www.gmail.com. You can use your gmail as a back up drive. And as you guys may already know, it has lots of cool feature including sms to use mobile phone. It will even keep you away from sending funny mails when you are drunk. Moreover, you can track your activity online and see when you last login.

    Painting software: The best alternate to photoshop is gimp that you can download from http://gimp.org/. You will be surprised what gimp can do for you.



  13. Dear Sapkota,

    For the student in least developed country like Nepal, where we can not access very valueable expensive books in the book store. and also, who will offer 10,000 to 20,000 NRs to buy a book, if it is available in the book store. Books are books no matter whether its pirated or something else. Better you use e books than nothing else. and one thing, if free books are available online why not to use?? you mentioned the site as illegal. I dont know about it.

  14. byas jeeeeeeeee,yo ta khasai k hi bhayena, nepali haru kina business mind kaa chhainan? aahile samma maile mysansar maa euta pani business sambandhit information paayeko chhaina ?

    khali euta party ko support garyo ani aarko lai gaali garyo? tyo bhanda aaru kaam nai chhaina nepali haru ko.

    k tapai bidesh maa basnu hunchha? kaam pani garirahanu bhayeko chha? chha bhane tapai part time maa investment garna saknu hunchha ani ramro munafa pani lina saknu hunchha.

    1. how to invest in gold market?
    2. how to invest in share market?
    3. how to invest crud oil?

    kasaile sodhema ra uttam jee le mero comment prakasit garema ma yesh ko uttar dine chhu.

  15. and also…
    you can save youtube videos using http://www.savevid.com
    all you have to do is copy the ULR and paste it at savevid’s ULR box and click download. Better if you save the file as AVI file. hope it will help you. 

  16. Further information for student
    If you want to download free online text books, software and many more, just go to this site and type the name of the book and software in the search menu. you will get lots of free books
    best of luck

  17. व्यासज्यु तपायीलाई धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद । खास भन्ने हो भने तपाईंले दिनुभएको इन्फर्मेसन सच्चिकै शही छ। मैले पनि मोजिल्ला फायर चलाऊछु तर यो चलाऊदा कम्पुतर धिला हुन्छ के करणले होला। ए वि जि चाँही भरपर्दो छ। सुचना को लागि धन्यवाद दिदै ग्रिगोरियन नयाँ बर्श २००९ को शुभकामना।

    कोपिला शर्मा

  18. Really very useful Saugat!

    Happy New Year 2009!!

    Have expected same sort of useful information in the year 2009 as well.

  19. Bash Jee!

    you wrote Mozilla Firefox is the best internet browser but i think you have not use Google Chrome. Google Chrome is fantastic internet browser. In Firefox sometimes you will face problems with fonts but in Google Chrome I haven’t found any problem with anything and it is much more faster than Mozilla Firefox.


    Best Regards

    (I read many reviews and they say, it has problems with Add-ons. Anyway, many thanks for the info. I was expecting such comments.- Byas)

  20. Extra space ko kura garda tapain hotmail lai pani use garna sakun hunchha. Hotmail.com ma account banayara tapain 25 GB space use garna saknu hunchha. Kaha 2 GB Kaha 25 GB. Hotmail.com ma account vayako sathiharule more menu ma click garnus ani tespachi Skydrive choose garnus. Tapain tespachi documents, photo, music, zip files sabai yes ma save garera rakhna saknu hunchha.

    Any way this article is very cool and useful. We can use some of them as we need and like to use.

    At last HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 to everybody.

  21. Good stuff. I am adding few more free useful stuffs

    1) CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system – allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history.(http://www.ccleaner.com/)

    2) 7Zip the best alternative to WinZip .7Z also known as 7Zip archive utility is available as open source and is free to use.(http://www.7zip.com/)

    3)VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, mp3, ogg, …) as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols.(http://www.videolan.org/)

    4)µTorrent, the BitTorrent client that is Lightweight,Feature rich ,High performance (http://utorrent.com/)

    5)Vista Codec Package :You will no longer be restricted to using a specific player.Windows MediaPlayer and Vista MediaCenter will be able to play all your files.(http://shark007.net/)

  22. महर्सी बेद ब्यास जी लाइ सुभकामना साथै धन्यबाद पनी |राम्रो जानकारिको लागी |

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